The birth of Faith Honey Summer

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Right listen I'm adding another year into Hogwarts, okay the plot of the actual Harry Potter will not change there will just be another year for Harry to be hormonal and pissy okay? Good, Sirius isn't dead yet, Umbridge still works there and Dumbledore is now on the run from the ministry got it I have just spread this one year over two you know because I can.


There was five key things I have to do now:

1) Fake my death
2) Change my appearance
3) Change my name
4) Tweak my personality
5) Cover my wand. (As people can tell its me when my wand is onex) 

Faking my death was going to be hard. I mean was I going to have a witness? Were they just going to find my body? but everything else was pretty simple, being special makes life a little easier sometimes I switched my appearence I am now tall with a slender figure with curves in all the right places. I have startling honey coloured eyes and black wavy hair to my waist. Instead of being brave and outspoken sometimes I will be that all the time. I'll be a badass. My name is now Faith Honey Summer. Faith because it really fits my life and shit I can't be doing with mushy crap. Honey for the new colour of my eyes and Summer because Summer is my favourite season. Cool. 

Right faking death. AHA. I can use an illusion charm to make it look like I jumped off the Astronmy tower then, I'll take a Heart stopping potion, like in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet takes a potion and it makes her seem dead, then she wakes up. But she kills herself anyway so it hardly matters. Goody. I'm off to kill myself YAY. And a Bitch is born. 

I whispered the spell and I saw myself jump from the tower and a load of people screaming. I smiled to myself, then I gulped down the potion and lay down having already made it appear I had lots of wounds, I felt my eyes glaze over and my body go stiff. I could see everything that was going on around me, but I couldn't blink, move or breath it was ace. Harry was sobbing over my corpse, Hermione was weeping onto Ron shoulder. Ron look uncapable of emotion and the Twins looked like all the funny had gone from the world. AWWW people love me. Dumbledore wouldn't look at me and McGonagal let out a really heart renching scream. Snape was the least favourite reaction the man who shows no emotion cried that night he cried and cried, and I couldn't comfort him, he wouldn't let anyone near him, he was on his knees crying harder than Harry was and believe me thats saying something. 

This potion lasts for forty-eight hours, they sunk my coffin in the Black Lake the next day it was a really nice ceramony and they played my song 'If I die Young!' it was beautiful but the thing is I feel no remorse for what I did in fact I'm glad Holly is dead maybe she can rest in peace now with Jenny. But Faith is going to have a happy life and nobody is going to stop her! Then when it was midnight I woke I started breathing again and I swam to the surface of the Lake, then because I'm a vampire and everything I zoomed right out of there, I zoomed straight into London and stayed the night in the Leaky Coulron as Faith of course, but I paid with Holly's money.

The next day I covered my wand in cherry wood and now it is, a lovely reddish colour with swirls I ingraved myself. I then bought myself an apartment, I'm sixteen now and its legal so I bought myself an apartment it was pretty shitty but then when the landlord left I redecorated. I painted the walls black then with neon paint I slashed it on the walls. It looked epic, then I had really random furniture and awesome orniments. All in all my apartment was pretty neat, my bedroom was the best room though. I put the same spell on it as in the Great Hall so I can count the stars when I sleep. The walls around it make it look like I'm in a meadow and the colours change to fit the weather on the ceiling its amazing. My bed is soooooooooo comfortable its like lying on a cloud. Hmm you'd get a bit wet if you laid on a cloud. Anyway I am to stay here and wait for my invitation to Hoggywarts. I did magic everyday, just let them now I was doing it. Then about a two weeks till the start of term, there was a nock on my door. I now perminatly looked like Faith because I convinced myself Holly was dead. I opened the door to find McGongal she gave me a small smile which I returned.

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