Holly Potter

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everything belongs to J.K.Rowling except Holly Potter.

There are four things I must tell you before I begin my story. 1 Albus Dumbledore adopted me when my parents died. 2, I am the spitting image of my mother none of my dad in my looks, but I act like him a lot. 3, I am Harry Potters sister yep the one and only Harry Potter. 4, I'm supposed to be dead, oops didn't get the memo.

'Dad why can't I go out in public' I groaned at my adoptive father, he chuckled.

'Because you are dead remember, only Professer Snape knows who you are' my dad said calmly. I nodded I lived at Hogwarts but I've never explored it because the teachers never leave, and the rest of the time it was swarmed with students.

'Daddy is my brother coming this year?' I asked sweetly, he chuckled again.

'Yes, and so are you, you are going to be a student is that alright?' he asked cautiously. I screamed and hugged him really tightly.

'THANK YOU THANK YOU DAD' I screamed, my dad was laughind and Snape came into the office I jumped of my dad and hugged him instead.

'You've told her then?' he asked my dad, he nodded and I squeled louder.

'Can I tell my brother?' I asked my dad turning calm again.

'Not right away Holly, but you can meet him just don't tell him yet' He said looking a bit upset. I looked up and Snape was looking at my dad intently I understood they needed a private conversation.

'I'll leave you two to it then' I giggled backing out of the room. My dad smiled and nodded, I smiled and made my way out. I bumped into someone on my way to my secret bedroom, I looked up to see a very stern women with her up in a tight bun tried to run but she grabbed my arm.

'I don't think so....' She stopped talking taking in my apperence and seeing my mother 'who are you?'

'Erm I don't have to anwser that' I answered defiently. She scowled deeper, and she pulled me swiftly towards dads study, crap dad wasn't going to be happy.

'Cockroach cluster' she said coldly. She pushed me up the stairs, rapped on the door and pushed me in.

'What can I do for you Ho..' he stopped talking as soon as he saw the strick teacher. I mouthed sorry he just nodded.

'Ahhh Minerva I see you have met my daughter Holly' he said calmly.

'Daughter, Professer you have a daugher?' the Minvera woman exclaimed.

'Not exactly, Holly would you like to explain to professer McGonagall?' I nodded stiffly.

'Hello professer I'm Holly Potter' she gasped why did everyone gasp? 'As you can see I'm supposed to be dead, Dumbledore adopted me when Voldemort killed my parents, and I got this stupid mark' I said annoyed and lowered my turtle neck you show her the eye scar in the crink of my neck. ' Harry doesn't know nobody does except my dad and uncle, Dumbledore and Snape to you and I guess you know now aswell.' I finished with a deep sigh, McGonagall was just staring at me.

'You look some much like Lily' she whispered.

'Thanks, but watch out I inheritde dads attitude and pranks' I giggled she did look worried when I said this.

'Erm well night dad, McGonagall' I nodded at both and blew a kiss at dad, he smiled and pretended to catch it. I walked out being very cautious of were I was going, I got my painting of ballerina she smiled.

'Frosting' I whispered, she laughed and let me in into my brightly coloured room. There was all the colours of the rainbow in one room. My dad did it when I first came to brighten up my mood it worked. I sighed and plopped down on my bed, not bothering to get my pjs on.

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