Queen of all pranks

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I was standing leaning in to hear the conversation on the other side of the old, grimmy door. There was also a elderly man next to me oblivous to me, I could see the bald man Wormtail. He was talking to someone in a green chair. I could not get closer enough to hear their conversation something was keeping me from moving a muscle I could only strain my ears I couldn't even speak. As I struggled against the invisable chains binding me to the spot. A long thick snake passed the ankles of the old man, the snake glidded into the room and up to the chair. It hissed something, damn if I could only get closer I'd know what it was saying. But before I coud distress futher a high pitched cold voice rung out loud and clear it made me shiver crown to ankle.

'Let us welcome our guest Wormtail' It said cruely, Wormtail cringed and started towards to the door opened it wide, he could obviously not see me.

'Advada kadvra' he said weakly a blinding green light erupted from the wand leaving the elderly man to fall to the ground with a heavy thump.

I screamed and fell out of the single bed I was sharing with Harry holding the scar on my neck that was burning searing with pain. Harry done the exact same thing just the other side of the bed and him holding his forehead. I got up weakly we had been having the same dream for the past summer holiday the same one over and over. Harry cringed and got up as well, I grinned at my brother. I looked at his luminous clock it read half past three, I sighed and got back into the bed.

'So you ready to see some real, Quidditch players bro?' I asked teasing.

'Shut up Hol's' he said playfully shoving me out of the bed again.

'Two can play at that game big bro' I murmered darkly, I slid underneath the bed and started kicking, I heard yelps and groans until I heard the sound I was after a soft thump. I laughed slid out from under the bed getting back into bed.

'Not fair Holly' Harry grumbled, I laughed again and looked around the dingy little box bedroom, I was going to miss this place, even if my uncle and cousin hated me. These six weeks had been fun, I never got into trouble because Aunt Petunia would say "Vernon she doesn't know any better they don't teach these things at schools like that." Like they don't teach us not to prank. My favourite prank was when I took my uncles ring of keys and hid them in Dudleys room. When he found them Dudley got banned from watching tele so Dudley threw his tele through a window. Me and Harry nearly peed are selves we laughed so much.

'Erm Harry is it okay if I leave you for a few hours when we get to the world cup to see dad and Col-'

'No not Cole' Harry snapped I cringed he was over protective.

'Harry he's my boy-'

'Don't say it' he muttered.

'Boyfriend I can't not see him' I continued. He cringed and lay back onto the pillow.

'I'll only be gone three to four hours tops' I said ressuring him.

'No, Holly I don't like him'

'You've never met him' I argued

'Well, I've seen him he looks shifty'

'No Harry I really like him, I think you would if you gave him a chance'

'No' he answered stubbornly.

'Fine then I'll go and stay over at dads then' I murmered getting out of the bed and crossing the room to the owl cages were my April was snoozing under her wing. I pulled out a piece of parchment and a quill and began to write.

Dear Sev

Harry is being ass, like you assured me he would. Please could I come over to yours to camp out till the world cup final.

Holly PotterWhere stories live. Discover now