Hi I'm your dead sister.

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'Harry I'm ..... I'm your sister' I whispered into my knees, I looked up and Harry was looking really pissed. 'Like I said whatever you may think of me you will always love you as a friend and a brother' I was sobbing know I wiped away the treater tears.

'Does anybody else now?' he asked calmly smoothing out his face into a poker face. I nodded.

'Apart from Dad, Snape and McGonagall, Erm Ron and Mione. But Harry don't get angrey at them please. I told Hermione and Ron put two and two together the night you found out about my scar, they didn't tell you because I made them slap swear. OH CRAP I'm going to get slapped twenty-six times' I blurted out rather quickly. He looked at me with disgust.

'You mean my best friends have kept secrets from me for two years?' he asked getting peeved.

'Look Harry I wanted to tell you but my da-'

'DON'T YOU DARE SAY DAD' he yelled in my face 'Our dad is dead' He whispered cruely. I sobbed, into my hands and when I looked up Harry was pacing the room.

'So Dumbledore' he sneered the name 'Didn't want me to know I had a decent relitive' I spoke quitely to himself. I walked over to him and hugged him at least I was still decent right?

'Get off' He shouted shoving me to the floor. I sobbed harder, I knew he might react like this but to push ypur own sister to the ground that is low.

'I'm sorry Harry I stand by what I said I still love you and always will you are my brother and my only family' I whimpered. Before I picked myself up and went to the common room. I pushed open the potrait and retreated to the ballerina cuboard, and stayed there for the day just sobbing and sleeping and regreting ever telling him. Why did I ruin it we were best friends, hell we gave each other presents for the day we all met. I looked at the bracelet he had given me and took two charms of Harry and Ron, Ron always sided Harry and Hermione always sided with me. Another hour went by and I watched a muggle TV show about a happy street full of drama I think it was called "East-Enders. After school finished I stayed in my room I couldn't face anyone not know anyway not right away. The door opened and Harry peered in, I looked up shocked then Hermione came and I understood she had known where I had been, damn shouldn't have shown her it then nobody could've found me.

'Hey Mione' I croaked 'Didn't think you'd remember the password' I croaked jokingly. Harry walked over to my TV and switched it off. 'Hey I was watching th-'

'Shhh Hol's I'm really sorry for-'

'Rejecting me as a sister don't worry. I knew there was a possibility you'd react like that, I just thought you ought to know I was wrong I gue-'

'No you weren't I over reacted and I'm really sorry I pushed you away like that' he was staring at me and then his gaze met the braclet that know only had three charms on 'Why did you take two charms off?' he asked shocked and hurt.

'Because I thought you wanted nothing more to do with me so I took you and Ron off because Ron always sides with you' I whispered. He crossed the room and picked up the two charms he put one back on that said Ron and took the other away. I just nodded letting more tears escape, he did want nothing more to do with me. He walked out of the room Hermione walked over to me,

'Mione I thought he'd be happy' I sobbed

'So did I' she said trying to comfort me. But Harry walked back in and gave me the charm back and nodded for me to read it. Harry your loving brother it said I was sobbing again Harry looked confused.

'Happy tears you ass!' I cried into Hermiones shoulder.

'You wanna take over Harry?' asked trying get me to stop crying, he nodded and moved to my side. I hugged him as tight as I could muster and dried my eyes.

'Lets do this properly, Hello Im Holly Potter you're dead sister' I said jokingly sticking out my hand. He laughed and pulled me into another hug.

'Erm Hermine could you close the door I need to explain to Harry why scar is an eye?' she nodded trying to be supportive and closed the door. I pulled of the scarf I was wearing out of habit and showed him the very detailed scar of and eye. 'If you put you scar and my scar together it shows lighting in somebodys eye like power. So what I think is he gave me is knowledge and you his power on acciedent of course' I said cheerully.He looked at me like he'd only just met me again.

'He really did give you his smarts, thats why you master all those spells' Hermione intervened I nodded at her.

'Speaking of spells I best dad I told you Expectro Patronas'  Tell Albus Dumbledore that Harry knows now and tell him I love him, the humming bird went flying towards the headmasters office.

'Erm Harry, welcome to the ballerina cuboard thats the code name for this place, this is where I live over the holidays' I explained happily. Harry nodded and was looking at the muggle stuff.

'No way you've got an Ipod' he exclaimed I nodded and put some music on and this time I pridict a Riot came on, I giggled and started dancing the waltz with Harry and then all three of us did the can-can.

'Right if you ever want to get in here the password is melon got it' I aked the other two as we wlked out they nodded. 'You got it aswell Marie' she nodded I smiled and waved at the beautiful picture. Ron was waiting for us in the common room an evil grin spread across his face when I entred. CRAP, the slap swear he walked over to me and slapped me thirteen times then I turned to Hermione and she did the same. I was going to have sore cheeks tomorrow. I sat talked with Harry all night and I agreed to go to his house over the summer holidays to meet my aunt and uncle.

'I warn you they are horrid' warned Harry I laughed.

'I'm coming I want to meet this Dudley' I exclaimed, Harry chuckled and we talked and talked and talked about our parents I showed him a picture of our parents together when they were our age and we were the spitting image except for Harrys eyes.

'No wonder Snape fell for my mum, she was a looker and so are you' Harry said happily. I hit him on the arm playfully. 'Night big bro and she our mum, oh one more thing we are also twins your five minutes older' I smiled and dodged a pillow he threw. I smiled and threw it back blowing him a kiss. Whispers followed us all the way to class that day because had his arm around me in a brotherly fashion. But other people thouht we were dating. I pretended to gip and Harry pretended to be violently sick. We walked down to the dungeons me and Harry his arm around me my other armed linked with Mione and Ron walking beside Harry. Somebody caught my wrist and pulled me away from my twin.

'Hey' I yelled at whoever it was 'Oh hi Draco what do you want?' I asked playfully.

'Are you dating Potter?' he asked solmenly. I pretended to gip again and he brightened up. 'Nope I just told him I am his sister thats why it's nothing like that' I joked Draco looked at me with shock.

'Your a Potter?' he asked with shock, I nodded and turned to leave but he held me there by hlding my wrist still.

'Draco?' I asked looking down at his hands.

'Oh sorry, but the girl I like is a blood traitor a griffindor and know shes a Potter' he exclaimed angerly.

'Not to mention I'm Dumbledores adoptive daughter' I joked there as no trace of humor on Draco's face. 'Lighten up me and you would have never worked anyway ask Pansy out she really likes you' I said reassuring him. He nodded and slumped away, I went and caught up witht the gang.


'What was that about?' Harry asked

'Draco asking if we were going out and that he still likes me even though, I'm a blood tritor, a griffindor, a Potter and Dumbledore adoptive sister' I explained to him he let out a growl and I laughed.

'Over protective there big bro' I said tickling him in the side of his chest. He laughed and we spent the day avoiding Malfoy and talking about what we do when we are not at Hogwarts, my aunt and uncle seem horrid. But they are muggles and I think I would be frightened aswell if my nephew was a wizard. But aparently they were horrible before he was a wizard, maybe they'll be nice to me? I hope not I want to exprience Harrys life.


Can I just say I normally dislike Robert Pattinson like A LOT! But boy can he sing! 

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