Hot Damn!

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I found all four Marauders sat in the Common Room and all of them looked at me with concern.

"What happened? Shit....did-did someone mess up Sirius's hair?" I asked looking at him horrified. He rolled his eyes and patted the seat next to him.

Guess not...

"We need to talk..." Sirius said, all playfulness gone from our Disney marathon.

"Oh God, you're pregnant aren't you?It's James' isn't it..." I said gravely taking his hand in mine.

"Don't you worry, we'll get through this, I can already see you showing." I poked his stomach, Remus started to laugh and James joined in.

"Are you saying I'm fat?!" Sirius demanded.

"No, I'm saying your pregnant. James you better be marrying him! Gay marriage is a beautiful thing you know." James wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"HOMOPHOBE!" I yelled standing up on the couch and pointing at him, everyone in the common room turned to stare at him. He yanked me down.

"I'm not a homophobe," he yelped.

"AND IM NOT PREGNANT!" Sirius screamed at me.

"Really? I just thought since you told be about your secret vagina..." I trailed off in a voice loud enough for the whole Gryffindor House to hear.

"I do NOT have a vagina!" He moaned. Everyone was laughing, and eventually he joined in. Once they had died down they went back to their serious state.

"Actually, we needed to talk about you becoming a Marauder." James said bluntly. A Marauder? Harry was going to die!

"Hot damn!"

"Hot damn?" Sirius asked looking as confused as a puppy. I nodded, and ruffled his hair again he growled.

"Yeah I'd love to."

Harry is going to blow a shit storm! HAHAHAHAHA! Ahhhhh, oh I love this. I mean, I like this as much as I'm legally allowed too.

How much am I legally allowed too?

I think as long as I don't murder anyone I'm fine. Which is pretty shitty I had my heart set on Pettigrew.


Hey guys!

I know you all hate me and I'm a terrible Wattpadian, I just don't have time anymore and I'm seriously considering just deleting the story, I don't like leading you beautiful people on, I really don't.

I'm going to leave it on for another two months, and if I haven't updated by then I'm going to delete it.

Sorry again people.

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