Old scars New scars

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I awoke with the sweet and humble screaming of my dear Hermione Granger.

'GET UP!!' isn't she loving. I rolled out f bed and onto the floor, I heard someone laugh I looked up to see Hermione and Ginny giggling like proper little girls.

'Do you think he'll be as sexy in person?' Ginny asked.

'I hope so' Hermione replied I got up and changed into my favourite purple skinny jeans, with a white tank top and a green see-through top over it I smiled at my relefection, the years had been good to me, my red hair now down to my waist, my face had lost it's chubbyness leaving me with a heart shaped face with high cheek bones, my bright green eyes seemed somehow brighter. My figure slender and petite, with curves in all the right places I smiled again, waving my wand making my hair come down in ringlets around my face. I also put a little lipgloss on. I looked at my two best girlfriends both had changed Ginny was now tall and slender with shiney ginger hair to her shoulders, her face always in a smile with perfect rosey lips. Hermione had also lost her chubbyness and she was now really pretty her frizzy hair now wavey and long down her back.

'Who are you talking about?' I asked curious.

'Cerdric Diggory' the squeled together. I rolled my eyes that one all the girl fawned over him I just think he's a pretty boy. I shook my head and walked down to the kitchin where I could smell the delightful smell of

'BACON' I screamed and jumped down the last three steps. I ran into the kitchin or I tried I got knocked to the ground then pinned I looked up to see Harry, Ron, Fred and George.

'NO bacon for you' Harry said forcefully still having me pinned to the floor.

'WHY?' I screamed.

'Because first we need to talk to you' He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

'And you needed to pin my to the floor?' I asked asperated. I looked Harry was on top of me, Ron holding down my right arm and George holding down my left, while Fred laid across my legs.

'Well yes' he answered. I took this moment to relize nobody was holding my mouth.

'GINNY HERMIONE HELP' I screamed at the top of my voice Harry slapped a hand over my mouth I smiled and bit down hard.

'HOLLY!' He screamed in pain he had jumped up in pain, I took this advantage to kick Fred he groaned and kiled over. I punched George and Ron just as the girls came down the stars I jumped up and smiled at my handy work.

'Thanks for your help girls' I said sarcastically. They laughed.

'I think you handled it pretty well' Hermine sniggered as I stepped over the boys and into the kitchin. I took the bacon and smiled up at Mr Weasley.

'Erm Mr Weasley I apologize for the future if any of your sons can't have kids' I said politely he chuckled and nodded, Mrs Weasley came brussling into the kitchin.

'Erm why are my kids on the ground in pain?' she asked.

'I'm not a morning person nor do I approve of being pinned to the floor when I can smell bacon' I said plainly as the boys filed in I smiled in truimph. They all glared at me.

'I told you I don't need a wand for my battles the orphange engraved that into my head' I said non-caringly.

'You never talk about it' Harry stated. I only nodded, what do you think I want to announce to the world I was beated and beaten everyday I still have scars from the things they did. 'What did they do?' He pressed.

'If I told you, you'd want to go kill them' I said tears pricking at my eyes.

'I promise I won't' He said I shook my head and stood up, I walked outside the sun hadn't fully come up yet. I sighed I lifted the sleeve of my green top to reveal the knife marks they had left, they had tried to kill me more then once. A lone tear came down my face and splashed onto the scar. Everyone filed out of the Burrow and Mrs Weasley was saying goodbye. She hugged and told us all to keep safe and then we started are treck. I got my iPod out and listened while everyone trudged behind me, I was used to early mornings the orphange used to get you up at four thirty. My dad adopted me when I turned nine. We came to hill, I smiled I love hills I ran all the way up then rolled down past the group they just looked at me. I smiled and ran back to the group turning off my iPod.

'Amos' Mrs Weasley called I looked over to the man, oh no he probably saw me rll down the hill, aw well.

'Arthur, big crowd you've got all your's?'

'Nope only the red heads, well no that one's not mine' Mr Weasley said pointing me out.

'Holly Potter' I said politely stepping forward and shaking his hand.

'Are yes my Ceds talks about you all the time' he said this confused me I had never met him.

'OI CED ITS THAT GIRL  YOU LIKE' He yelled over his shoulder I looked over to Hermione and Ginny they both had they mouths open. Amos looked quite unabashed. Cedric came over the hill looking slightly annoted with his father.

'Sorry about him' he said I just smiled and stepped back into the crowd of red heads.

'Right yes all the red heads except Holly are mine, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. These are Rons friends Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, Holly's brother.' he introduced us all.

'Harry, Harry Potter?'Amos asked. 'I heard Ced beat you at Quidditch.'

'Dad he fell of his broom' Cedric tried.

'Yes but you didn't, which proves you were the better flyer' Okay starting not to like thins man.

'Well lets find the portkey should we' Mr Weasley, went on. I turned on my iPod again while they searched I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked up to see Cedric looking down at me grinning. I had to admitt he was fit tall lean bronze curls and deep grey eyes. I took out my earphones, and looked at him questionally.

'About what my dad said about me talking about you..........' He trailed, I smiled.

'Nah its fine, you wanna talk about me you talk about me.' I said cheerfully, he laughed and shook his head.

'We found it come on' Mr Weasley shouted I ran over to them with Cedric at my side. They were all around a black boot I took hold of it and waited.

'Three......Two.......One' I felt the spinning sensation. I smile at least I know how to land this.

'Let go' Mr Weasley told I let go and started to fall I started walking. It was funny everyone else was a crumpled heap on the floor except Cedric, Me, Credic's dad and Mr Weasley. I laughed and pulled up Ginny and Hermione. I looked around broomsticks flying everywhere, I gasped thins was going to be fun, only thing is I talked to my dad he wasn't coming which is a bit a bummer but I still get to see Cole.

'Well come on Ced let's go set up are tent.

'Bye Holly' he called.

'Bye' I called back mainly in amusment.

'Someones making friends' George sniggered, but he actually looked a little angrey.

'To the tent' I exclaimed and went running off. This was going to be interesting I had a bad feeling, and good one something good is going to happen and something bad.

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