Man am I thirsty (get my drift?)

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Hey you lovely fans! (can you tell I want something? ;)) Anywhoozle I was wondering whether you could make me some characters for Holly Potter I need a new bestfriend and a boyfriend who will turn out evil. So if you could get back to me on that THANK YOU.

See ya later aligator's Robyn OUT!


I spent the best part of a month in St Mungo's without any visters unless you count Dumble-dad.

I don't.

I need friends and they can't see me because I might cause them a threat. 

More chance of Dobby posing them a threath than I do!

Uh! I'm am so pissed OFF!! Why why why me? what did I do? Was it the five pounds I stole off someone to get a life-saving sandwich? Was me saying God isn't real? Because if it is and he is real then he's a jackass and I wish he wasn't.  I swear, now I'm a monster freak great.

On the upside loads of people have been to my door, I mean they come to vistit and told they can't so they say hello at the door and leave, but not before throwing me sweets (not that I can eat them any more FUCKING DOUCH-BAG VAMPIRE I CAN'T EAT CHOCOLATE!!) So now I'm hormonal, pissy, a freak, a monster, blood thirsty and sleep deprived. (Not that Vampires sleep!) and I will tell you something before you go all sterotype or gay on me. I do not and I will repeat DO NOT either SPARKLE or MELT in the sun. Who the fuck does that oh yeah Stephenie fucking Meyer. Yeah now I'm a vampire I swear get used to it, my life just went PG-13 suck it! 

"Holly you are free to go girl!" my nurse announced as she walked in, she smelt nice. (Not like that!) I mean she smelt like cinnimon not I want to bite her neck nice. She was tall with dark skin and a warm smile.

"Thanks Helen" I smiled back, I collected my things in a flash literally. And was at Hogwarts in seconds, but not before saying good-bye to some cool dudes I had met such as Mr Harrison he had been bitten by a Werewolf but the man was awesome we'd sit up during the night (again can't sleep anyway) and he'd tell me all these stories and I'd tell him some adventures me and the gang had. Then there was Polly Yorkman she was a thirteen year old permanate patient, she had been tortured into insanity and has been left with the mind of a five year old. So I read to her and play with her and we have a good time that took a lot of time with Polly she really didn't want me to leave. So I gave her a massive hug and them gave her a picture of the two of us promising to come and vistit. 

Then I apperated to Hogwarts.

"Honey I'm home!" I called out sarcastically, into the empty hallways, then snickered immaturly to myself. Then I heard a door creak open and that stupid cough.

"Yes Deloris?" I asked without turning around.

"Where Ms Dumbledore-Evans have you been this past month?" she asked in a horribly sweet voice.

"Sorry Umbridge if nobody told you I'm not at liberty to say" I said grinning swivling around she had half her torso out of a classroom door. I could see Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco sat in there I winked at them. Hermione giggled, Ron snorted and Draco smirked but Harry looked like he was in pain.

"I want you to come and see me after the last class for a cup of tea" she said before shutting the door, I busted up laughing and I was rolling on the floor probably doing it a lot quicker than intentional.

Then the thought hit me!


I zoomed to my dads office.

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