Harry Pothead

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It began with a simple banging on the head over, and over, and over, and over again on the wall.

"Faith!" A dude screamed I carried on in quick sucession it's not like it hurts. THAT WOULD BE STUPID! Cuh! I had taken off James cloak about half an hour ago, not before vidoeing and taking about twenty photos of Snape.

At some point the dude picked me up on threw me over his shoulder so I started hitting my head on his back instead.

"Stop it!! Faith! This stupid!" I AM NOT STUPID, so I stopped. Instead I started kicking him in the bollacks.

"WHOSE STUPID NOW DUMBASS!" I screamed, why am I acting like this? Hmmm

Well it all started when I was small girl..........................

"And know I'm stuck here and I have no-one but you douches did I mention you're freaks?" I asked sobbing on his shoulder upside down.

"Yeah forty seven times I counted." He answered, I wailed loudly. He put me down and opened his arms, but I gave him 'the look.' You know the I would rather die look.

"Okay I guess not" he mumbled, I nodded.

"Now just because I told you my life story and I cried in your presence does not make me your friend. And well obviously we never speak of this" I say and start to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"So you're from the future huh?" he asks me teasingly, I nod curtly.

"Sooo, what am I like in the future?" he asks me, I roll my eyes. But I answer him truthfully because I kind of owe him he is wearing Goochie and I kinda ruined it.

"You become a DeathEater and work for the Dark Lord but then you decide to be good and then you die saving your house-elf" I tell him, he looks dazed for a moment before nodding.

"FAITH!?" A man shouted, I ignored him. "Faith!" he was closer. "Faith" right behind me. My eyes grew wide and I swiveled around.

"Holy SH-" he clamped a hand over my mouth.

"So err yeah" He gestured toward himself and then at the surroundings.

"Er yeah" I repeat. "Regulas Black, Harry Pot-head" I snorted loudly while Harry glared at me. "Harry Pothead Regulas Black." Harry shook his hand reluctantly then yanked me into a compartment. We both started rambling together. Until we both yelled.

"IDIOT!" I grinned brightly at him and gave him a hug.

"So Harry Pothead what do you wanna do now?" I ask teasingly, he scowls at me but I can see the twinkle in his eyes.

"That is not funny" he tells me, I raise an eyebrow.

"Harry James Pothead that was totally funny" I tell him. He rolls his eyes but then nods. HA I WON BITCH. 

But as we start to leave the compartment, Harry started fading like a ghost. I watched unphased for a moment while he yelled random shit like.

"HELP, HELP! I'M FADING I'M FADING!" Drama Queen! I huff as he disappears.

"Unreliable Pothead" I mutter to myself. Then I start banging my head again, and again, and again. It continues for like twenty minutes before I actually break through the wall into the next compartment.

"Oh my God are you alright?" A red headed girl asks me, my eyes widen as I take her in. Evens red hair, small button nose freckles HOLY SHIT IT'S ME! I mean Holly. I nod still star struck as I yank my head out of the wall. I walk into the compartment putting on a smile.

"Hi I'm Hol-Faith my name is Faith." I have got to stop doing that! I hold out my hand for her to take, she smiles brightly and shakes it softly. She then points to her other friends.

"That's is Evie Wisher, and her over there thats Debbie Twinnie. Together," they all got into dramatic poses, okay I know where Harry gets that from. "The Marauder Haters! Also known as the Marauderettes" She says shrugging.

"Sweeeettt!" I exclaim plopping down on the seat.

"I'm a vampire, a metaporphasis, an angel, anima-tongue and a touch reader." I tell them, they all share a look then they all sit on either side of me with the weirest look on their faces.

"What?" I ask, getting seriously creeped out.

"You can help us" They said in unison. CREEPY!

"Okay, go on" I say folding my hands together.

"We have a plan........"


Hey youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu guuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssssssssssssss!

I'm sorry about shortness but I couldn't be arsed to write more. 

The next time I write there will be a lot more. Like a LOT more.

I swear on Llama's everywhere I even go on the Llama God if that doesn't say something then you people are evil, evil people.



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