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It didn't take long for my diary to leak. Now I'm the broken girl from a oh so devesatingly horrid past. HMPH! Good God you put your final good-byes in your journal and suddenly you need conselling its what I'm doing now with Professor McGongal who is sitting reading my Biography. A tear leaked out of her eye and her heart beat faltered. I'm used to it, when they read my 'final good-byes' or my 'Sex Abuse' hey ho right what can you do. As you can probably tell I'm a little pissed NO-ONE WAS SUPPOSED TO NOW.

"Oh Holly I love you too" McGonagal sobbed, I smiled sadly at her, I maybe peeved at them for reading my journal but I meant every word writted in it. Hermione was right I was a smart ten year old. 

"Do you want to talk a-" MG started but I cut her off.

"I see where your coming from Minnie but I really don't want to talk about it. That book was private and I was expecting people to read it just after I'd past not now, now I'm the broke, sexually abused girl who will never be right again I didn't need, that I already have me being 'special' and me being Dumbledore's adoptive daughter and Harry Potter sister. And FUCKING HELL, why does it all happen to me!" I broken down crying, she hugged my close to her and rubbed my back soothingly.

"The worst thing is I thought it was normal I thought I dersevered it. My journal was full of crap, I never once, not once not cry when I was beated. I cried was I was raped I cried everynight. I was so vunerable then and I fashioned myself an image here, I was the strong, independant and caring Holly. Dumbledore's daughter. Now thats gone what do I have let of humanity?" She was crying with me, and all I wanted to do was curl up in a corner and die. I stood up quickly and smoothly.

"I need to hunt" I said hoarsley she nodded, looking at me with sad eyes, then I ran, I ran and I ran and I ran until I was way way away from Hogwarts maybe five, ten miles away I could still see the castle in the distance. 

Then I screamed and I yelled I kicked I punched I cried over everything, Jenny, Cedric, Harry, ME! it all comes down to me!

Jenny died because she couldn't hadle it and I wasn't there to stop her.

Cedric died because I got into a grudge and went into hidding

Harry said those things because they are true and nobody will ever love me I'm 'used goods'

Me! I gave away everything, My sanity, my humanity, my religion, My innocence and worse my Virginty I WAS NINE! NINE! Know think whose the sick bastard that would rape a nine year old for money.

I was done. I wasn't going to live like this I was leaving! But maybe I don't have to. I know what I can do. No-one will know, there will be no obsence rumours or evil remarks. I could have normal friends I could be alive and at Hogwarts without blinking an eye. Hmmm time for Holly to die and .............. take her place.


Short I know but seriously if you love Holly Potter you need to answer this question.

What do you want Hollys fake name to be?

A) Blossom




E) Honey

Please tell me or it won't be updated!! THIS IS A THREAT I CAN'T DECIDE!!! (crying and ripping out hair in frustion of names) 

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