How to become bestfriends with your bestfriend

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At dinner that supper that night I was introduced to everyone (again)

"This little angle is Faith Summer she is our secret weapon!" Sirius grinned, winking at me. Molly gave him a really disapproving look and then we ate.

"So Hermione why so down!" I asked her as we ate the deliousous onion soup Molly had prepared (well I say ate but I'm going to have to throw that up pretty soon YUCK!.) She looked up at me and smiled sadly.

"Its just you remind me so much of my friend Holly" she said quietly, she kept looking over her shoulder at Harry who was in a conversation with Ron.

"Was she Harry's girlfriend?" I asked, she shook her head.

"No sister." she answered, I smiled sadly back.

"What happened?" I asked smally, even though I already knew.

"It's not my place to tell!" she murmered, I nodded and then we talked about random shit that I already knew about her. I kept freaking her out by not so guessing her answers.

"Whats your favourite colour. No wait I know Light Blue like the sky and  Weasley red" I answered for her, she looked at me mouth agape.

"How did you?" she stuttered. I really wanted my bestfriend back, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her right to the top of the house and into the attic.

"Swear on yours Harrys, Rons, and your parents grave this does NOT leave this room" I asked, she nodded.

"Slap swear?" I asked then instantly regretted it. She looked me up and down, grabbed hold of my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes, and I knew by looking in hers they were turning back to Evans green.

"HOL-"  and in a flash I had stuffed a pair of socks in her gob, she gave me a 'really?' look and spat them out.

"Holy shit" she whispered, so I changed back into Holly.

"Mione I'm sorry its just I hated my life, everyone knew about my past and I hated it" I whispered to her, she looked at me again then grinned, pulled me into the biggest hug ever I think it snapped some of my ribs gods honest truth and I'm a vampire.

"HOLLY. LILY. SEVERUS. EVANS. DUMBLEDORE. POTTER. DONT. YOU. EVER. DO. THAT. TO. ME. EVER. AGAIN!" She whisper yelled at me whacking me with a ducty old umberalla with every word. We took a moment to look around and we realized this was not a place to store orniments or other crap that wouldn't fit anywhere else it was a massive wardrobe with ball gowns and fancy suites. We exchanged looks and I immediatly ran from the room in my zoom zoom speed and grabbed my camera. When I got back Hermione had already picked a dress for both of us to try on. We spent the rest of the night trying on a load of dresses. I was going to ask Sirius not to chuck them away, to let me and Hemrione and Ginny keep the ones we want. There was even one to fit Molly and Tonks up here. When we amerged from the attic there was a search party for us.

"THERE GET AWAY FROM HERMIONE YOU DEATHEATER!!" Ron yelled at me, me and Hermione glanced at each other and broke down laughing.

I'm gld I have my bessy back and my Godfather but thats IT Because Holly Lily Severus Evans Dumbledore Potter no longer excites and a good job too because my name was a right mouthful.


Okay yay she has Hemrione on her side again. WOW. Now I know its short but next time I promise you at least three pages KK


Robs OUT

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