Hello Again

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*scampers behind a tree*

*peeks around it*

........Ummmm, hello again.

I'd just like to say thank you to all the people that are fighting for this story to stay up, it's truly lovely of you all and it really makes me feel like I haven't completely failed you.

I can certainly keep the story up so other people might enjoy it up to its crappy non-ending.

If that's what you'd like.

As for people asking to taking it on themselves, I know it sounds outrageously selfish but I really don't like the idea of someone finishing off what I started and (again) I'm really sorry because I'm sure a lot of you could make Holly extremely happy.

Now for some good news.

With me keeping it up for everyone, I'm probably (at some point) going to get bored, or have an epiphany and start writing again and if that happens I can't describe how bad I will feel about making you go through all this shit about me giving up on it.

(I'm such a horrible person. I am so fucking sorry)

But then again, some of you said you'd be okay with shitty updates every other month (and to you people I am both grateful and jealous of because to be honest that would annoy the Hell out of me.)

So thank you for sticking with Holly and thank you for putting up with me, which must certainly be hard, and I can't apologise enough.

Sorry, oh God, I'm so sorry.

Holly PotterWhere stories live. Discover now