TROLL! and a friendship.

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yes yes I understand this happens later on in the book, but I want the friendship to spark early so I'm sorry to the fan fans of Harry Potter don't kill me! lov ya Robs out!


I threw a piece of wood at the troll, and he advanced towards me. Harry jumped on it's back, it didn't realize until his wand went up his nose that there was someone clinging on it for dear life. He grabbed Harry by the ankle and was about to strike Harry with his club. I wasn't going to let this troll kill my brother.

'Expelliarmus' I cried and the club few away from him. 'Accio' the club caming flying towards me. The troll let Harry go and he crumpled to the floor. He was walking towards me again. I knew the spell but this went against my oath not to hurt another living breathing thing. He hurt my brother screw the oath.

'Furnunculus'  I screamed and the troll flew back and he became unconcious and boils were springing up all over it's grey body. My three best friends all ran to me at once and hugged me all at once. My dad and uncle were teaching me over the summer holidays, uncle to attack and dad to defend. Right on que all the teachers walked into the bathroom McGonagall looked over at the  unconcious troll that was covered in boils. My uncle came and hugged me and whispered in my ear

'I knew you got furnunculus charm' he whispered and I pulled away and laughed.

'Well I am the greatess witch that ever lived' I snorted and my dad winked at me. McGonagall took away five points from Hermione because she lied, she said she'd gone looking for the troll and that us three had come to save her. Dumbledore awarded me fifty points for my spell work and Ron and Harry ten points each for showing bravery and coming back for her. We walked out of the bathroom and I was bombarded with quwstions from all them.

'How did you know them'

When? What? How?' I laughed at Rons dumbfounded expression.

'My dad taught me how to defend myself and my uncle taught me how to attack' I rushed to get it out. They nodded and Hermione hugged me then Harry and I gave Ron an akward one armed hug, I guess I wasn't as close to him as I was to the other two.

'Come on, I'm pretty sure that we needed to change' I said gesturing to the know white robes that were covered in dust and plaster. We laughed and talked as we made our way up to the fat lady, but then I thought there was something I needed to do, I grinned and pulled Hermione away.

'Guy's this is girls stuff so if you could run along' I waved them away, Hermione looked at me suspiciously.

'Oh come on you'll love it, we can use it as a secret hide out' I whispered she was still confused. I pulled her in the opposite direction making sure that no-one spotted us. I got to my ballerina I waved and she did a twirl.

'Cream pie' I whispered and she opened the door, Hermione gasped as she took in my bedroom and the colours.

'What is this place?'

'Well, I'm dead remember, so this is my secret room that I hung out in,because nobody but my dad and uncle and McGonagall knew who I actually was. Plus it would be really strange if, a dead kid was walking around the school during the summer holidays.' She smiled and pulled me down on the bed. There was a full libary in my room a laptop and my Ipod. I had taken a fancy towards muggle things, and my dad had put a charm on my room so I could use them. I put my Ipod on full blast, and Rhianna blared out.

ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD I got up and pulled Hermione with me and we danced for ages. Then we had a pillow fight, she won and there was feathers every where I had never had so much fun. I pointed my wand at the feathers

'Repero' The pillows jumped back together and sew them selves up. I smiled at Hermione, I really did have a best friend that doesn't judge me and likes me for who I am.

'We better go' I giggled looking up at the clock it read eleven thirteen. Hermione gasped and we ran towards the common room.

'Dumbledore' I squeked at the sleeping lady, she snorted said something and opened the door. Harry and Ron were asleep in bid puffy chairs in front of the fire.

'You tip Ron out of the chair and I tip Harry then we sit in their seats' I whispered she giggled and nodded.

'One...two...three' I whispered I tipped Harry out of the chair and sat in it and so did Hermione. The boys woke up, and screamed at the sudden movement. Me and Hermione were in a state of silent giggles. Harry looked up and grinned evilly, he looked at Ron and he nodded. They advanced on us I looked at Hermione she shrugged. Harry jumped in my lap and Ron in Hermiones.

'What a comfy pillow' Harry said cheerfully. I nodded Hermione we did at excatly same time we shoved them onto the ground again. But Harry took my scarf with that I wore everywhere so nobody could see my scar. My hands flew up to my scar to hide it from view but the damage was done Harry had seen the scar. He pulled my hand away to look at the eye in the crink of my neck.

'What.....' He spluttered staring at the very detailed eye. Ron looked up at Harry then at me, then the scar. It didn't take a genious to know he'd put two and two together and seen the resemblence between us.

'I need to speak to Ron with Hermione alone no offence Harry' I whispered he just nodded. Me and Hemione ragged Ron away.

'You're You're' he whispered not able to say it.

'Harry sister?' I asked


'Ron you can't tell him, we will but not know you understand' he nodded 'right you have to slap swear.' I whispered in a hurry.

'A what?'

'Mione you wanna take that one' she explained and Ron looked happy at the idea of slapping me and Hermione.

'I promise I won't tell anyone you are/ I am Harry Potter sister' we whisper chanted I slapped Ron and Hermione, they both slapped me then each other. Harry looked over and looked really confused, well we were slapping each other. We walked over to him we all smiled he looked worried like we were going to slap him too.

'Are you three okay?' he asked concern filled his bright green eyes, my green eyes and our mums. I nodded and hugged him and said good night. Hermione followed shortly after and I just looked at the ceiling waiting for sleep to come. I have three best friends one is my brother, but he doesn't know. The other two know they've been taken to oath and slap swear not to tell him. I smiled this was going to be a fun year I could tell.


Please comment please I really need the critism

lov ya Robs out

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