The godfather I want to kill

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I was on the on the floor, looking up at my brother who was pointing his wand at the thin figure that was Sirus Black. We had found out that Sirus Black was the one who had sold are parents out to Voldermort. I growled and his eyes connected with mine and he gasped.

'Holly' he croaked, his eyes not believing what he saw.

'What, disappointed that I didn't die with my parents' I screamed standing up and standing next to my brother.

'My god you look like your parents when you're together' he croaked out in awe. I looked at him with disgust how dare he even look at us. Then he walked up to me and hugged me tight, I pulled back and punched him right in the stomach.

'Don't touch me you murderous-'

'Holly' he whispered from the floor 'I'm so sorry I left you I should have never have put you in the adoption home' he snivled. I was about to ask a question when Harry finally let all the emotion he'd been feeling out in one.

'How dare you, you sold our parents to Voldermort killed Peter and twenty-odd people. Stick Holly in a adoption home then hug her. I know your a godparent but you have no right to us, and if you so much as touch her again I will kill you. But for now I'm just going to give you to the dementor' he screamed letting a lone tear stream down. I took his wand arm and pulled it down. Then I brought him into a hug, he hugged me tightly back, and Black looked ready cry himself.

'I never killed anyone, although I wish I had killed Peter he deserves it' he snarled, I kicked him in the gut and he moaned.

'Right you have exactly half an hour to tell us why I shouldn't send you straight to the dementors, and why I'm not beating you to death' I whispered Harry glared at me but Sirus beamed at me.

'You really are like James, I mean you are the exact modle of Lily but defiant personality of James' He gushed I kicked him again.

'Twenty-seven minutes' I murmered and he laughed.

'It was my fault they died yes' he admitted tears treaming down his face 'but I never sold them out to Voldermort' he heard two faint gasps behind me, Ron and Hermione I had forgotten they were there. 'I was going to be their secret keeper but I pulled out at the last minutes, and told them to let Peter do it. They did and what do you know three days later I was at the rumble of the house picking up Holly, while Harry was being taken by Hagrid. I knew I had to find Peter, as a request from James, and I also knew that I couldn't take Holly with me so I dropped he off at the adoption house. It was lucky that Dumbledore got you. After that I cornered him in a busy street, he took out a knife and chopped off his ring finger, and as you may know I am a animagus well so is Peter, Remus and James. So when he chopped of his finger he transformed and ran away taking half the street with him' he finished sadly. I gawped at him then walked over to him and held out my hand. He took it gratefully. I turned and looked at Harry who was looking at me with disgust.

I'm sorry Harry but his story makes sense plus. I think I know where Peter is' I stated proud of my brains. Then I pointed to Scabber, but Ron thought I was pointing at him.

'No numpty your rat' I accused, Sirus looked at me with pride and nodded. I pointed my wand at the wand and flicked my wrist. The rat turned into a very mousey looking man, he was bald and short. He tried to run out of the shrieking shack only to be hurded back in, by Professor Lupin. So instead he ran at Harry's feet.

'Such a good boy, so mush like James you won't let them kill me will you?' asked in a wheezey voice.

'Don't you dare talk to him about James' Lupin snarled. Sirus smiled and Lupin helped him up off the floor.

'Remus, long time no see' Sirus said laughing, Lupin grimanced and patted Sirus's back.

'Wait, what! you're working with him and I kept your secret' Hermione shrieked behind me, I spun around to look at her. She was avoiding my eyes and staring intently at Lupin.

'Well, Hermione so did I and I'm glad I did' I replyed simply.

'What are you on about'cried Ron wincing in pain.

'He' Hermione screeched pointing at Lupin 'is a werewolf' I sighed and turned to look at Lupin who nodded I shook his hand aswell shaking my head warily.

'Well well isn't this nice' sneered a voice from the corridor. Snape walked in looking as though christmas had come early. 'Black I have waited so long for this' he carried on with malice. 'Now Remus you too, what a treat two people  hate at once going away forever.' his voice dangerous, but before I could do anything, some thing red shot passed my ear and Snape went flying right into the wall nocking him out. I turned around to see Harry looking very smug.

'You didn't' I giggled and he laughed aswell. 'Always wanted to do that lucky' I moaned. Remus and Sirus were laughing aswell.

'Me and your father did that a lot' Sirus spluttered. 'Now my godson, I'm so proud' he said cheerfully wiping a pretend tear from his eye. Harry looked over to him and beamed, at least we had a realitive!

'Sirus I'm sorry abo-' Harry was saying but he was interupted, by Peter trying to escape. I hit him with a simple stunning spell, and he fell side ways.

'I've always wanted to do that and so much more' growled Sirus I laughed. But Peter got up again and crawled to my feet.

'Clever girl, smart, pretty girl so much like your mother you won-' I kneed him right in the gut.

'Get away from me' I snarled and Sirus, burst out laughing.

'Well Holly you certainly like, the muggle way of fighting' Sirus stated I looked up and laughed.

'Actually I took fighting lessons when I was in the adoptive home, you had to really protect yourselves from the the beatings they used to give out' I said a-matter-of-factly. But regret and remorse showed in Sirus's eyes, and he brought me in for another hug. 'Erm can't breath' I rasped and he let me go. Harry looked at me with concern, I ha never told him about my life at the adoption home I hadn't told anyone. Not even Mione and she was my best-friend ever ever ever.

'Well we better take Peter to the dementors to clear your name' I said calmly and Sirus pulled me into another hug.

'You would do that for me?' he whispered.

'Your talking to the girl with James personality of coursed I'd do that for you, your my godparent and dads best friend not offence Remus' I nodded at him he just smiled. Peter looked terrified, so he crawled over to Ron instead.

'I was a good pet I'm Scabbers you won't let them take me away will you?' he snivled at Ron pushed him back with as mush force as he could muster, I laughed and walked over.

'Let me help?' I suggested Ron laughed and nodded. I got him in a head lock and dragged him into a corner.

'Move rat and it will be the last thing you do, and if you think I will do the advada kadabra spell and it will be painless. Oh no I with use my killing technics I learnt and I havn't used them yet so it should be fun!' I shouted in his face. He was frozen to the spot, I could really scare people when I needed to. I walked back over to Harry who looked as though he'd been slapped.

'You know, I'm really scared of you right know, but when we go back to the Dursleys do me a favour and kick Dudlys butt' he whispered I smiled evily and nodded.

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