What do you do when your angry? blow up a tree of course.

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The next morning I couldn't handle the constant worried glance and the symphathetic smiles. So I ran off, for a while as well.

After following a lake mesmorized by the greens and blues that swirled into one. I  walked into a woods it wasn't large but it wasn't small either.I walked further and further in until I came to the perfect tree to climb it was a Willow tree and had branches low down so you could get a good foot in. I climbed all the way to the top, not caring about the bark stains on my white tank top. I started playing around with the air making the trees swirl around and laughed at the constant howling for me to stop. I brought out my little lighter and clicked it watching the little orange flame flicker and yellow sparks. I then took my anger out on a little fern in front of me by concerntating really hard on my energy and then I blew up, well not literally but you get the picture the fern went up in flames all the same. I watched in satistfaction as my energy returned without the anger mixed in with it. But then guilt took me over and I whipped the tree over with water and dried it with air, the scorch marks made my guilt worse.

'I'm sorry I was just angry I really didn't mean to hurt you. You were really a beautiful tree.' I promised it then realized it couldn't hear or reply. I grunted in frustration and climbed back up my tree. Yep my tree officially my tree. I took out my lighter and quickly burnt my initials in the wood and smiled at my handy work a simple H.L.D.P Holly Lily Dumbledore Potter's the name.

'Do I get my intials on there?' a voice asked. I turned and fell out of the tree when I saw who was standing there. I picked myself up lightly smiling a little.

'Diggory, this is my tree find your own' I said in good humour.

'Yes well, I'm here now it can be our tree if youd like?' he asked. I rolled my eyes at him but nodded all the same.

'Intials?' I asked, he smiled.

'Don't laugh but card' he told me I turned to hide my laughter. I nodded and burned them underneath mine.

'What do they stand for?' I asked.

'Oh Cedric Albert Rupert Diggory' he explained. I stiffeled a snigger.

'Well what does H.L.D.P stand for?' he teased.

'Holly Lily Dumbledore Potter' I said simply. He nodded.

'Can I come up?' he asked uncertain. I smiled and nodded budging up a little. He climbed up and sat next to me.

'You know what Diggory your alright' I said truthfully. He smiled a little at that. 'I mean you come off as a pretty boy, but your alright' I teased.

'Yeah what about you brains without trying and guys falling for you left, right and centre.' he teased back.

'Hmm you do pay attention, I'm joking, magic just comes naturally and your wrong about the falling for me' I muttered the last sentence.

'Naturally, yeah blowing up trees is very natural.' he joked I smiled.

'I didn't mean too, I was just angry and it was in the way I apologized after ward though' I explained.

'Yeah I heard it was a beautiful tree' he teased I punched his shoulder playfully.

'Pretty boy' I teased.

'Holly' he teased back I looked at him eyebrows raised. 'What there is nothing wrong with you' he moaned. I laughed.

'Thats either a really bad insult or a really sweet complement' I joked. 'Hey how about pretty girl then we can be the prettys.' I laughed. He caught my eye he wasn't laughing just looking at me thoughtfully.

'That could work, why dont you burn that into the tree' he said softly after a while I grinned and nodded. buring the words Pretty Girl and Pretty Boy in the tree. He smiled but then it dropped.

'How are you and Cole?' he asked glumly I couldn't understand his sudden fall in spirits.

'We broke up he used me for ten galleons' I explained. He looked up suprised that turned into something else that I could quite place hope maybe anger.

'Well anyway what made you angry?' he asked. I sighed.

'My past my future my freaking talents' I ranted, he looked over at me in curiousity.

'Thats quiet a distinction.' he murmered. I nodded. 'Would you care to share?' he asked. I shook my head definatly not. 'Thats fine maybe in time' he understood finally.

'Yeah I'll tell you when I pluck up then courage to tell everyone else' I muttered. He nodded. 'I'm begining to like you card.' I said cheerfully.

'And me you Pretty Girl.' he answered.

'Right I need to go' I said truthfully. He nodded. I smiled and kissed his cheek and hopped of the branch. I waved.

'See ya pretty boy' I called over my shoulder.

'Bye Holly.' I heard him call back. I ran back to the Burrow everyone was getting ready to get on the Hogwarts Express I couldn't keep the smile of my face, I had a new besty!

I threw everything into the couldron then the couldron in the trunk, Hermione was watching me ad so was everyone else like I was going to do another runner.

'Look guys I'm not going out again okay' I assured them.

'It's not that we were really worried and when you came back you were and still are all smiley.' Hermione explained. ahhhhhh I is understanding. I just winked.

'It's one for the girls' I announced and Ginny squeled and dragged me off while the boys were exchanging glances.

'Well?' Ginny asked.

'I just.....' I stopped short and looked over at the door got up quietly and opened it sneakily and saw Harry, Ron, Fred and George all crowed at the wall. I cleared my throat. They froze and turned towards me, I grinned evily. I dragged them all in.

'Right boys I have enough of you earwigging so I have a compromise. You can ask me one question each and they can't be completecated. Then you leave me and the girls alone. Deal?' I asked. Harry and Ron nodded grinning. Fred and George looked relived they had only just got over the drag queen stage. They also nodded.

'Right go ahead' I encouraged. Harry raised his hand I nodded for him to ask.

'Why are you so happy?' I sighed and told them of my afternoon. Harry gawped at me.

'Next?' I asked. Ron raised his hand. I nodded.

'Well you know you went to an orphange' oh here we go 'Well I was wondering when did Dumbledore adopt you?' hey more simple than I thought.

'I was nine, it was september the fourteenth, and he came and knocked on my room door, I answered and there he stood as bold as brass looking at me with pride and like I was the most beautiful thing in the world. Which baffled me as I looked black and as though I needed medical attention. Well I did but thats not the point.' I answered. He nodded and said no more. Fred raised his hand, I nodded.

'How do you know Viktor Krum?' he asked I cringed.

'To complicated.' I replied. He nodded then asked a different one.

'What did you do to Fudge?' I smiled slyly.

'When I heard his name I was thinking about a chocolate bar and he turned into one then my cat Minx ate him and well he had to pooped out bit by bit' I explained laughing. The room was suddenly filled with laughter.

'We need to go' Mrs Weasley called. I got up and picked up my trunk.

'What about me?' George asked.

'Another time' I assured him but secretly prayed that time would never come.

When we arrived at platform nine and three quarters the whistle was blowing and we had to get on the train straight away. I got aboard and straight away we found a compartment and que the akward silence.

Holly PotterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora