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You jerked your hand away from Peter's jacket. It had slid off the back of the sofa and down to the space between you and Lydia. She frowned at you. Hoping she wouldn't press it any further. Something had been happening over the last few months. Flashes of things, almost like visions or memories. There was enough going on in town with the werewolves and hunters, you didn't want to add to the growing piles of problems.

There was something about Peter that triggered your visions more than anyone else. You hated it and had no idea how to control it but you hoped eventually it might just stop. "So you really think you can handle this without my help? With one Banshee and a nervous human. That'll be more helpful than another werewolf?" Peter sounded offended as he spoke to Scott.

Scott on the other hand didn't say anything. He stared Peter down until he backed off. Then he turned to Lydia. He started asking her questions while you zoned out. Peter was staring at you curiously as you tapped your fingertips on your knees. The jacket made a final descent from where it was tossed over the back of the sofa and flopped down onto the seat beside you. Hopping up quickly, you tried to play it off as needing to look at some of the files on Scott's table but the way Peter looked at you as you passed by made you think he was probably onto you.

"Maybe you're not so human." Peter muttered. He glanced at Scott who was still preoccupied talking to Lydia. "What do you see hmm, future or past. Ohh! Can you tell me my fortune?" Peter taunted with a grin. You glared at him and moved away, glancing at Scott and Lydia.


You gasped as you dropped to your knees. The smell of burning still stung your nose and clogged your clothes. Though nothing had been burning. Nothing had burned here for years.

As a cool breeze wrapped around you as it whistled through the trees. Your bare feet coated in mud, the bottom of your pajama trousers soaked from rain and dirt. Wrapping your arms around yourself you shivered, calming very slowly as you seemed to realise where you were.

"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice asked with concern. He approached slowly. When he'd spotted you, you were running through town, crying and screaming. It was lucky it was so late or someone other than him would have spotted you. Now you were calm enough he could approach you and get some sort of response. You'd not done anything more than whip your head round to where he was lurking, looking at him in a wide eyed panic.

He approached you cautiously as you stared at him. When he was close enough he picked you up carefully and started walking towards the road.

He gently carried you home, noticing the police car and jeep outside the front door. When he knocked you were pulled from his arms and taken up to bed. Lydia and Malia stayed with you.

"What happened?" Stiles asked Peter with an accusatory tone.

"I found her in the woods. At the remains of the Hale house. Screaming about burning and fire... I assume her powers are too much for her at the moment." Peter said bitterly and frowned at Stiles who spluttered.


"She's been having visions. None of you noticed?" Peter asked casually. The Sheriff and the rest of the pack had gathered around Stiles and looked worried.

"Powers?" Stiles repeated.

"I'll be going." Peter said as he left Stiles struggling with the fact that you'd managed to hide your powers from them.

Peter Hale ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang