Christmas Prompt ~ 2019

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The fire alarm bleeped overhead. Stiles and Liam ran around trying to make it stop while Lydia and Scott tugged a burning turkey out of the oven. "I kind of feel like when we said we'd do Christmas as a surprise for your Mom and the Sheriff. This isn't what any of us had in mind?" You said carefully.

The doorbell rang which made Scott shoot you a suspicious look. When you answered it Peter stood in the doorway smirking at the group.

"You invited Peter!" Scott huffed as he followed you to the door.

"Yeah, isn't Peter more a halloween thing?" Stiles said bitterly as they all frowned at him.

"You guys ruined two turkeys so... you know, I figured maybe Peter could help." you said carefully.

"(Y/N) has a point.We have kind of used up all of our ingredients." Lydia said to Scott who shrugged.

"You think he can actually help. Does he even know how to cook, I figured he just had people cook for him or something." Stiles said as he joined the group gathering at the door.

"I got this, I watch food network." Peter insisted as he carried the bags of food in with him. "I'll need this one but the rest of you need to leave." He said as he pointed at you. You followed him with a glance back to the pacl who quickly went back to decorating the house and getting ready for the meal.

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