The Tease

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Warnings: Public making out / almost sex?

You leant over the table as Peter walked in and pointed to something Stiles was looking at. Peter only really came to pack meetings if he really had to. Or if you were there. He'd shoved Liam out of the way so he could stand next to you.

"Why don't we just barge in there?" Peter asked and you rolled your eyes, looking at him with your arms crossed but the look you in the eyes rather than let them wonder.

"Yes that's a great idea, let's go in guns blazing without a thought and see how many of us make it back. What fun." You taunted sarcastically and rolled your eyes when Peter shrugged.

"Technically it'd be eyes blazing..." Stiles muttered as he tried to dislodge the awkward tension between the two of you.

"Stiles." You sighed and gestured for Liam to say his part before you let Lydia put out a few ideas.

"If we don't react soon we're going to be pushed harder when we finally find out how to get rid of it." Peter sighed and you shook your head as he spoke over Malia and Scott.

"I am not above putting you outside." You warned and tried not to smile when the pack snickered.

"I'm just saying...!" He almost growled at you and you nodded your head.

"Yes, you have a point but again, brainless fighting is not going to help." You gave Peter a look that dared him to challenge you. Theo snickered at his submission until you shot him a look and he straightened up and payed attention to Scott.

"Must feel good to play Den mother." Peter muttered as he leant in a little closer. He waited for the rest to begin shouting and arguing over each other before he added "All you need is an Wolf to give you the rest of the perks."

His fingers trailed up the back of your thigh and you jumped, clearing your throat as you excused yourself and hurried out of the room. At the next chance Peter managed to slip away, no one noticed, and he looked around until he found you.

"Look what the big bad wolf found." Peter hummed and you rolled his eyes.

"You know I'm not hiding." You pointed out as you leant against your car and he shrugged, growling a little as he closed in on you.

"Most people would be a little... politer." He sighed, hands tapping you against your car as he watched you carefully.

"Most people don't know that you're actually the devil." You jabbed his chest and looked up at him. His eyes flicked up from your finger to your face with a smirk on his face. He could hear how nervous you were and you were tense but your chemosignals told him it was for an entirely different reason to what you were trying to put across.

You made a surprised grunt as Peter leant in and kissed you harshly, his hands scraping down the side of your car to your waist where he lifted you up and tugged your legs around his waist.

His hips ground against yours as he kissed and bit across your jaw and neck, leaving small spots of pressure that wouldn't bruise but would twing and remind you of him putting them there each time you brushed against them.

Your fingers clenched into his shirt and you moaned ot soft gasps as he pressed on open mouthed kiss to your throat before returning to the heated kiss. He pulled away and ran one hand over your side again, teasing the hem of your shirt and playing with the skin he could reach.

Just as his hand slid under and brushed up the soft skin he growled and dropped you suddenly, stalking off towards the house as Malia and Mason called for you and hurried towards the car park.

You took a moment to gather yourself and calmly walked over to them. All it took was a quick side glance to Malia to know she could smell exactly what had been happening and she took it upon herself to stand between you and Peter for the rest of the meeting.

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