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The hunter growled under his breath as you slipped. The icey ground in the woods made it hard to keep up with his pace. "Get up!" He grunted and yanked you. Your feet slipped against and you pulled him down with you.

"Need a hand?" Peter asked as he seemed to emerge from the woods. The moon lit up his face and the hunter froze.
"Who are you?" He asked as if he knew full well who it was.

"I'm a friend of Santa's and he sent me here to wish you a unmerry Christmas." Peter said casually. He stepped between the trees and over the roots that stood between you and Peter, hooking the hunter by the collar of his jacket, tossed him deep into the woods. You heard a thud and a grunt from somewhere in the dark.

"Will you help me please? It's really cold." You grumbled as you tried to untie yourself. Peter smirked as he drew his claws and cut through the rope around your arms.

"Where do you think he was taking you?" Peter asked as he helped you to your feet.

"Somewhere north of the woods." You mumbled as you dusted yourself off, feeling frost falling off your legs as you swiped.

"Well we should get you out of here and somewhere warm. It's going to snow soon." Peter muttered as he started to lead you the way that you had come.

"What'd you do? Smell it on the air?" You asked sarcastically. Peter sighed and you were sure that he'd rolled his eyes.

"No. I looked at the weather app on my phone before walking all the way out to get you." Peter answered smoothly. He was smiling to himself when you glanced at him. He caught you as you slipped again. "You sure you're going to make it back to the car?"

"What are you going to do? Throw me to the car?" you asked him with a ridiculing tone of voice. He scoffed and grabbed you, lifting you over his shoulder as he marched through the woods. "Ok well this is unnecessary, I slipped three times."

"Five if you count the two while you were running." Peter said quickly.
"You watched me get kidnapped by hunters!" You said irritably.

"I didn't want to ruin my shoes. They're imported!" Peter huffed and you scoffed, starting to object loudly. "You know those other hunters will find us if you keep making so much noise."

You wanted to say something else but settled for scowling out into the dark as he carried you through the woods to his car. Which was blatantly parked, at an angle, which made it obvious to anyone who lived in town that it was his. He was the only one who had such a rare car after all.

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