Cookies - December 2021

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Peter's eyes were closed as he leant back against the comfortable chair. The food was almost done. Treats were out on a table. Everyone was one their way and the pile of gifts that had been growing since December first in the corner, had reached dangerous peaks.

He heard your footsteps padding across the floor. Gentle as if you were up on your tiptoes. He could also hear everyone pulling up into the carpark. You paused as you near him. He knew what you were after. Derek had gone to a fancy bakery and gotten ornate biscuits. You had been after them all morning despite being informed that they were for when everyone arrived. He heard the sound of something moving on the plate and pointed at you. Without sitting up, opening his eyes or looking your way.

"Put that cookie down. NOW!" Peter said sharply.

"How'd you know! I was so quiet!" You complained as you put the cookie back. Peter opened one eye.

"Because, my child, you haven't perfected the art of silence." Peter said. Then he looked at the door. "Neither have they."

"We're here!" Stiles called as he burst into the room, weighed down by bags. Everyone else followed after him, also carrying bags.

"I've picked everyone up. So we should be able to eat soon." Derek said as he closed the door. Everyone was talking and busy greeting people.

"Sounds good." Peter muttered as he stretched and moved so that someone could sit next to him as the seats filled up.

Peter Hale ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now