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You stared at Peter as he spoke. Of all the people. It was Peter. The guy who ate part of his family. He was the one you'd developed a crush on. "This is ridiculous." You muttered to yourself, forgetting you were in a room full of werewolves. When you looked up everyone was staring at you.

"Maybe so but that doesn't stop me from being right." Peter snapped. You blushed and pushed yourself of the table.

"I didn't! I..." You stuttered, staring at your feet until Peter went back to talking.

You found it frustrating, that he was in your head, he would speak quickly and kept glancing at you when he thought you weren't listening. Scott said something else but you were too far in your thoughts to even hear him. When Liam nudged you everyone had left. You jumped at the contact and glanced around to see Peter and Scott watching you.

"You should sleep more." Peter commented.

"I'm fine." You insisted but Scott shrugged.

"He's right, you should rest up now before anything weird starts up again." Scott said quickly.

You growled under your breath as you stormed off, leaving Peter and Scott puzzled.


"This isn't going to work." Peter muttered. Lydia sighed and shook her head.

"(Y/N) had a point, they're not responding to any of you that are more powerful, her powers are newer and therefore weaker." She said quickly, wondering why Peter had complained yet again about the situation.

"Exactly why she shouldn't be in there." He snapped with a quick glare at Lydia.

"(Y/N) will be fine." She said firmly.

Peter almost believed her until you suddenly jolted up and bolted for the door. They tried to stop you running from the station and eventually you stopped as The Sheriff caught you.

"What happened?" Lydia asked as you refused to speak.

"I told you she shouldn't be in there!" Peter growled out. He started to march into the room but felt like his steps were oddly weighted. When he turned he realised you'd grabbed the back of his shirt and he'd dragged you across the room.

"Nope!" You squeaked out and he frowned as you shook your head.

"(Y/N) just tell us what happened." Lydia said quickly when you realised you were still holding Peter and rushed to let him go.

"They looked in my head and made things... made me see things!" You admitted but looked anywhere but Peter.

"Manipulating the mind to show desires. I told you not to send her in! I assume they showed you us." Peter growled out again and Lydia let out a long sigh, sick of Peter's protectiveness. You looked so awkward that Peter knew he was right. "I'm a werewolf (Y/N), I knew how you felt before it started bothering you."

"Is that why you've been acting so odd, I figured Stiles had bothered you again." Lydia sighed as if Peter's behaviour made sense. You stood awkwardly trying to pretend that Peter was wrong but he ruffled your hair and strolled into the interrogation room.

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