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You'd been late home. Held back by a teacher who wanted a quick word. Taking advantage of a few moments peace. There were some many people crammed in the house. The woods seemed different now. Normally you weren't supposed to walk home without one of your older siblings, or your uncle Peter. But now you trudged through in the near dark and you felt nervous.

Pausing for a moment you were sure you could hear hushed voices, twigs snapping in ways they shouldn't. Ignoring it you following the familiar tracks and traces through the woods. The streets seemed more frightening than the well known woods you grew up in with your pack. With a gasp you realised just how late you would be and tried to hurry up.

You frowned when the woods were alive. Deer that live further north shot past you, to far and in panic, they wouldn't cross into the packs land. Then the sky filled with flying birds, bats coming from nowhere, all swirling and fighting to get through the narrow spaces between trees and out into the open air. Now you were frozen. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

With a deep breath you rushed into the thick of the woods, running blind, letting the wolf in you lead you home. But then something started to sting your nose, your eyes, breath was snatched from you as heat throbbed through the woods. Something shot at you, whistling past you, bangs that echoed around seemed to be chased by shouting.

When you burst through the clearing you saw it. The house swallowed by flames, lighting up the forest, the smoke made you cough, it burned your throat. You started to run to the house, to see if anyone was there. "Easy Hale!" A familiar voice called and a hand grabbed at your coat. Looking back you saw the grim face of one of the officers. Stilinski, his wife had been friends with your mother, he was nice to you and your brother's and sisters, nicer than the other officers.

You didn't remember much else from that night. Stilinski was nice enough to stick with you for as long as he was allowed. He helped Derek but you were removed and fostered to a family out of town. You didn't hear anything more from any of your siblings or family for a long time. Six years.

Eventually you managed to find out that Peter has survived. So you would wait for your foster parents to fall asleep and sneak out. You'd find your way into Peter's room and sit with him. It went on every night for years until your foster family moved away.


"Someones coming!" Stiles hisses as he glanced between Derek and Peter. Scott turned to the doorway. They were surprised at the younger wolf that came through.

"(Y/N)!" Derek gasped.

"I thought you were long gone." Peter muttered

"You knew she was alive!" Derek shouted as you calmed down, shifting back.

Derek growled irritably when you reached to hug Peter. "Urm so who is this?" Scott asked awkwardly.

"(Y/N) Hale. My sister." Derek said as if he was in shock.

"You didn't know she was alive?" Stiles asked quietly.

"No one knew where she was. Your dad was the only one who could access her files and that family that fostered her removed them because of our family's history. We weren't allowed to contact her." Derek said and glared at Peter.

"You led Beacon Hills. A wolf turns it finds its way to what it knows, when it's raised the right way." Peter defended as you pulled away.

"I found Peter before they moved me." You admitted and stared at Derek who was still in shock.

"You didn't tell me she was still alive!" Derek shouted at Peter.

"Well you're lucky you didn't. You would have brought her back here, right back to the Argents!" Peter shouted back. Sctt and Stiles backed away a little as they started to argue.

"Now I'm back and have my shift under control I can help." You said quickly.

"No you can't!" They both shouted, glancing at each other with irritation.

"You don't get a say of it if I'm in his pack." You pointed out and jabbed a finger towards Scott whose eyes widened and panicked.

"Oh I don't have a pack." Scott said quickly when Derek started growling at him. "It's just me... and Stiles."

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