The missing sister

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You kept running, trying to find the road. There was a large cut on your side and you couldn't quiet figure out if you were running the right way. When you collided with someone you tried to bolt and hide but they caught you.

"Hey. Kid. Stop." He snapped and you stopped, seeing that he wasn't the werewolf you'd all been out hunting. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N) Winchester." You gasped, glancing around. Did this man not know how dangerous the woods were.

"I'm Peter Hale... You're alright." He muttered, leading you to the road. When you reached it the sun was up and the Impala had vanished. "Let's get you to the Sheriff he should be able to find your family."

"NO. I'm fine. I can walk to the motel." You snapped quickly. Peter watched as you walked away, eventually ending up at the motel where you were staying. He sighed, seeing you sat on the steps, waiting for your family.

"Come on kid. Let's at least take you to a warm home." Peter muttered.


"We're looking for some student. For a um..." Dean muttered and trailed off.

"A English competition." Sam finished and flashed a fake badge.

"Oh well I assume you'll want the better students?" The receptionist asked and Dean shrugged.

"Anyone from this list will do." He muttered, glancing over the the figures who were leant against the wall. One donned a plaid shirt and was obviously listening to them while the other was doing a great job at looking like she wasn't paying attention.

"Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey hasn't been in school for a while... (Y/N) Hale. Oh She's just over there." The girl moved as if she heard what the receptionist said which was impossible because she was to far away to hear.

"Hey!" Dean called and you turned to face him. "Who're you two?" He asked and the boy shrugged.

"Stiles. (Y/N). We're late for class." He muttered, frowning when both Sam and Dean stared at you.

"You're hunters." You stated and fiddled with you bag. "You smell like gunpowder and silver."

You fluttered your eyes at them before frowning. "I'm the strongest wolf here. So be careful." You warned, grabbing Stiles as you marched off.


"What?" You sighed, leaning in the doorway as Scott stood on the bottom step, Stiles fell gracefully out of his car in a wild flail.

"You said there were hunters. What do we do?" Scott asked and you inspected your fingernails.

"Don't kill anyone. Or do anything stupid and they should leave." You sighed quickly. Glancing back at Peter who chuckled.

"Can we come in at least?" Stiles asked as he caught up.

"I suppose if you have to." You sighed. They followed you into the dimly lit living room and glanced at Peter who was ignoring you.

"We think the hunters. That um. They might be." Scott stuttered and Stiles leant in with a bounce on his heels.

"Your brothers." He blurted out and you growled at them.

"(Y/N) stop growling at people it's rude. Scott, Stiles, learn some tact." Peter sighed as he looked over at the three of you.

"I'll growl at who I want." You snapped but stopped all the same.

"The hunters are here to get the werewolf who supposedly killed (Y/N). Their father was in a rush to rescue one of them and forgot this one." Peter pointed at you and you scowled at him.

"You know you didn't have to bite me." You pointed out and he shrugged.

"I thought it would make my life easier. We all make mistakes." He said back and you laughed.

"Some more than others." You smiled when the boys snickered at that.

"Watch it! Now. What're you two dummies planning to do about the hunters and why are you in my living room?" Peter sighed as he stood up.

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