Runaway Mate (Part One)

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"Ok so you have everything?" Your brother asked as he carried in the last box. "I have to go to work. But Stiles should be around and Scott, you remember Scott?"

"You mean my nephew's best friend?" You asked sarcastically as you took the last box from him and set it on the table. "I'll be fine. Thank you for your help. I'll get Stiles to help me unpack and order a pizza in." You hugged you brother and he sighed, shaking his head as he started to leave.

"It's strange having you back here." He muttered before leaving for his cruiser and driving away. You waved him off from the driveway. It took Stiles about fifteen miutes to appear in your living room.

"Hey! Auntie (Y/N)." He grinned and hugged you.

"You have hair... and you're so tall." You turned to see Scott smiling from the hallway and a bunch of curious kids stood behind him.

"Hi, I'm Lydia." Lydia said quickly, sticking her hand out to shake yours.

"This is Lydia?" You asked your nephew who spluttered and went red. "How're you Scotty, your Mom said you made Lacrosse captain. Something about werewolves but um..."

"I'm sorry you know about werewolves?" Derek snapped as he entered your home.

"Oh you brought him here." You said stiffly. Derek frowned at you as Stiles' head whipped back and forth as he looked at one of you, then the other.

"You know Derek?" Stiles asked.

"Stiles, me and your dad went to school with his Parents." You pointed out.

"And Peter." Derek added.

"I did not know that!" Stiles said slowly, devilish glee filling his eyes as he shot you an odd look. "You'll have to fill me in on that."

Derek rolled his eyes and left. Lydia and Malia started asking questions. Malia wanted to know more about her family, Lydia wanted to know what the supernatural crowd was like when you were younger. Scott and Stiles took to helping unpack and put away the things in the living room. By the time you'd finished and decided to order pizza for everyone it was dark.


"I don't know why Derek doesn't like (Y/N)." Stiles said as he walked in step with Scott, twirling his lacrosse stick as he thought. Scott scrunched up his face.

"Probably because she smells a bit similar to Peter."

"What?" Stiles asked his voice reaching an incredulous octave as he paused and gave Scott a horrified look.

"Well she doesn't smell like him she just does. I can't explain it. It's sort of like... she smells like they belong. Together." Scott tried to explain. If his friend hadn't had such a helplessly confused look on his face Stiles would have pressed the matter further.

"Well whatever it is. Derek doesn't like her. He wont let me have a book we need incase I give it to her. It's ridiculous." Stiles insisted. They reached your driveway and paused. "Talk of the devil." Stiles muttered as they spotted Peter's car on the curb outside your house.

They shared a look and rushed up to the door.

"I still don't see why you're here Peter." You snapped. The boys paused in the doorway, listening in. Scott seemed quite ready to burst into the door and dive on Peter. Stiles held his lacrosse stick at the ready to whack at whatever he needed.

"Well, we belong together." Peter said slowly.

"No we do not. At all." You snapped, your tone was harsh and defensive. Scott could hear your heartbeat pounding. It was oddly in rhythm with Peter's, which was off putting.

"We're mates. Would you prefer soul mates?" Peter was almost desperate in the way he spoke. "You found out and you just ran away and left. But you're back."

"I'm back because you have buried my nephew in a world of the supernatural he doesn't know how to deal with. Not because I wanted to be near you. I have allies that want Scott's pack to thrive. A lot of them wanted to send hunters to get rid of you. I am here for the true alpha. Not you!" Your tone was so dangerously firm that Peter didn't respond. Instead he sighed, growled under his breath and turned to leave. Scott and Stiles lept back as the door opened fully.

Peter paused, looking at them before moving past. "You two going to come in or stay out there?" They looked at you with surprise, they hadn't realised you'd seen them. "When you grow up with werewolves, you can tell when they're hanging around. Also, you butt dialed me on your way over."

Scott laughed, glancing at Stiles who looked pale and worried. "Does dad know about you and Peter."

"He does. He managed to find an excuse to get me out of town. Faked an acceptance letter to college. If your grandparents knew I was hiding out with a bunch of witches and vampires... they would have freaked out."

"Well. Can't you undo it?" Stiles asked. You shook your head as you pulled him into the kitchen, Scott following behind.

"No, Derek doesn't like the fact that I tried to find a way to undo it, or that I left. Once I've helped Scott I'll be heading back though. I... have another pack."

"You didn't tell dad that." Stiles muttered.

"Yes well, he never was one to handle the supernatural well. I'll be sticking around for a long while, you guys need help. So I didn't think I'd need to tell him just yet." You explained.

"So what're you going to do about Peter?" Scott asked as you started making food, setting sandwiches in front of them, as they sat at the kitchen island.

"Ignore him." You said simply. Stiles laughed through a mouthful while Scott raised his eyebrows and nodded. They could help with that.

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