Fumbling (18+)

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Peter Hale x Reader

Requested by Anon​​

Valentine event

Warnings: dick grabbing, only one bed trope

Request: Anonymous asked: Peter Hale x female Charakter "If you go around fumbling in the dark for something in the bed. You can't be surprised when you grab me." #Valentine2023 

You couldn't sleep. The space was small and cramped, why you got stuck with Peter was beyond you. You would have rather slept in the car than in the only spare room with him. He was large, warm and snored. It was beginning to irritate you.

The sticky warm heat the storm outside created didn't help. All in all, you were beginning to think that helping Scott wasn't worth it in the slightest.

You heard your phone bing. You hoped it was Lydia telling you that it was time to go and you could get out of the tiny motel room. Fumbling around on your pillow you found that your phone must have slid off. With you tossing and turning and Peter sprawled out taking up most of the bed you must have knocked it further than you thought. It went off again with the cheerful chirping noise and you patted around on the bed for it. Peter grunted and moved.

"The polite thing to do is wake me up first." Peter muttered with his eyes still closed.

"What?" You asked. He chuckled and moved, holding your phone out as he pulled it out from under his leg.

"If you were looking for this you missed. If you were looking for my cock you found your mark." He opened one eye to see the look you gave him before rolling his eyes.

"If you go around fumbling in the dark for something in the bed. You can't be surprised when you grab me." He said as he closed his eyes again.

"Clearly I was looking for my phone... like I would want that from you." You answered quickly and unlocked your phone.

"I don't know. You seem to like me well enough." He said as he made no attempt to move which meant you had to clamber over him. "You're all over me."

"Help or shut up." You snapped. He sighed as if you'd asked him to march to Mordoor and grabbed you, lifting you up with him. "Not helping."

"Maybe it's not helping you but it's giving me a few ideas." He grinned as you scowled at him and hurried to get out of his arms.

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