Not such a surprise

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You sighed as you looked around the basement. Peter had been gone for hours helping Derek and you couldn't get hold of him, meaning when Stiles had called, yelling a description down the phone before hanging up, you had to rummage through the basement for it.

Peter's basement was for lack of a better word, terrifying. It looked eerie and the lumps covered in fabric didn't help the feeling that something might shoot out and tackle you at any second. You shrieked when the light broke and you had to fumble for the torch that normally sat at the basement door.

"What a great birthday (Y/N)." Everyone needs help and no one even remembered. I swear if I die down here before cake I'm haunting Stiles!" You decided.

"I don't know where she is." you heard Peter from upstairs. Something creaked and you bumped into one of the shelves, knocking and smashing something.

"Of all the things you had to bump into that one." Peter said making you jump as you tossed the torch at him. He chuckled and caught it with one hand. "What're you doing down here?"

"Looking for something for Stiles." You admitted as he beckons for you to walk over and led you out of the dark room.

"He was supposed to get you to look in Scott's basement." Peter grumbled.

"Ok what is it with you lot and basements?" You sighed, waiting for Peter to answer but he simply laughed and hoisted you over his shoulder.

"It was supposed to be a surprise." He answered, setting you down once he'd gotten through the house and to his car. "You broke your gift and you hadn't even opened it. You've been asking for that for years. I figured you're so scared of the basement you'd never go down."

"I know what we can do instead!" You hummed.


"Ok where are they?" Stiles asked as he doubled checked everything was ready and came back to the living room. "It's not supposed to take this long. Unless I made the treasure hunt to hard."

"Stiles I'm sure she'll be here in a minute." Lydia muttered, fussing over the decorations that nor filled her house in every room, much like the large flood of presents.

"Your dad's picking up Mom so they'll be here with the cakes in a minute." Scott informed Stiles as he walked back into the room, glancing at a quiet Derek who was munching his way through cake pops while Liam and Malia tried and failed to wrestle their afternoon of painstakingly messy cooking away from him.

Everyone looked to the door when Peter ran into the house. "She'll be here soon." He said loudly. So loudly that everyone shared looks and looked confused.

"SURPRISE!" You yelled as you hopped out, making everyone jump. Lydia tore one of the decorations while Stiles ended up with Scott jumping and landing on his foot. Liam swung back as Derek jumped and inhaled a cake pop, head butting Malia who began to chase him around, both leaving a fine dust of icing and icing sugar all over the house as Liam wailed apologetically.

"Well, was that struggle sneaking you in worth it?" He asked as you watched the chaos.

"Oh yeah totally... We should probably um..." You gestured to Derek who was half shifted as he tried to catch his breath and stop coughing.

"Happy birthday." He muttered, kissing you gently before going to help Derek, grabbing the back of Liam's shirt on the way. You giggled as Malia pounced on him and shoved a cupcake in his face.

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