Pack Of Flirts

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"Hey (Y/N) you wanna help Isaac out?" Derek asked and you stopped your search for your brother as you spotted Derek rearranging what looked like a box of chains.

"No offence I don't think Mr Grey was a werewolf." You told him and he chuckled.

"Yeah but werewolves are better, let me tie Isaac up and show you." Derek smiled when your eyes widened and you blushed.

"Oh wow Derek that was just bad." Isaac mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. "Besides, (Y/N0 should be tied up so I can roam freely."

"Will you guys stop it, what is wrong with you!" Stiles hissed as he came out of nowhere and herded you away while yelling about sexual frustrated werewolves.

"Hey (Y/N)." A voice drawled and you looked up to see Theo smiling at you.

"Oh hey Theo, look I'm busy so can you bother someone else?" You asked and returned the smile.

"Why, you could be studying me instead." He chuckled as you tucked your hair behind your ear.

"Are you kidding me!" Stiles yelped and walked around the bookshelf he'd been standing behind.

"Do you just follow me around or are they really bad at being subtle?" You asked and he shrugged.

"Don't think you're sitting on the sofa... in fact you can stay outside for like a week." Stiles grumbled at Theo.

"You're gonna stop Theo using Scott's sofa at pack meeting?" you asked and your brother nodded firmly, deciding to give Theo a talking to while you headed to the car.

When two shadows fell in your path you stopped and groaned as the Twins hopped off their bikes and grinned at you.

"Ah (Y/N) you are just perfect, look at your cute little backpack, you need a big strong wolf to carry it for you?" One offered and the other rolled his eyes.

"I'm here to double the pleasure of looking at us... I actually wanted to give Danny a ride home." Ethan muttered and you laughed.

"Hey what're you doing?" Scott asked and hurried to throw an arm over your shoulder.

"Book carrying." Ethan sighed and pointed at his brother.

"Oh yeah well (Y/N)'s a girl worthy of an Alpha book carrier." He grabbed your bag and hugged onto you as Stiles came running out of the Library.

"You know what, I'm just going to buy a super soaker and but wolves-bane in it, every time one of you hit on her you can get squirted like a bad cat." He sighed and you laughed as all three werewolves glared at him.

"You know there's a party tonight and you don't have a date." Liam mumbled as he caught up with you.

"Liam we are in the middle of a training exercise, Peter will hear you and find us!" You sighed.

"You should come with me instead; I can keep you safe from big bad Hale wolves." Brett appeared at your other side and you growled as you threw your hands up.

"Guys enough!" You sighed, leaving the trailing after you as you stormed off.

Eventually you found your way to the Hale house and sat in the hall as you waited for someone to find you.

"Well what do we have here, little nerdy riding hood, all we need is a big bad... oh and look at that here he is." Peter hummed and you rolled your eyes as Stiles and Scott came in.

"See I said anyone hits on her, super soaker." With that your brother soaked Peter. "Couldn't afford enough wolves-bane."

"It could be worse, could be caught in a little Hale." You smiled when everyone groaned at your joke.

"That's funny (Y/N)." Boyd offered and everyone gawked at him.

"I...Just... he talked... I'm so impressed I can't... I can't soak him." Stiles fake gasped and let Boyd walk past, un-soaked.

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