
I was suddenly awoken abruptly. I could hear Addison crying which made me sit up quickly. I rubbed my eyes to see Addison in the arms of Niall with Liam and Zayn standing next to him and Louis right in front of me.

"What the hell is going on here?" Louis demanded. I looked at them confused. I had only fallen asleep for a few minutes. Realizing my confusion, he spoke again. "You don't answer your phone, the front door wasn't locked, and you could practically hear Addison screaming bloody murder from three blocks down the street!"

"Well how am I supposed to know you were coming over and its not like I planned on falling asleep for however long it was." I retaliated, trying to stand up for myself although it doesn't seem to be helping me much.

"You need to be more responsible. You cant just think of yourself. Addison depends on you."

"Do you have any idea how hard this is? You have no idea what its like to wake up every night with a crying baby and then trying to fall asleep only to be awaken again by nightmares. You have no idea what its like to have someone so small and fragile depend on you for their every need." They all remained silent so I continued."And on top of all that, I have to do this alone. No one taught me how to be a parents or how to raise a child. I didn't even have a stable father in my life for god sake's. Who knows when Sara is going to come back, if she even does. I cant even tell you where she is. I havent gotten one phone call from her since she left. Now, I would appreciate it if you could cut me some slack." I snapped.

I slouched back and pressed my fingertips to my forehead. My yelling only seemed to make Addison cry harder and it didn't look like Niall knew what he was doing. I stood up but had to steady myself as I became dizzy for a brief second. I regained my balance and proceeded to take Addison and calm her down.

"I'm sorry mate. We didn't know you were under so much stress with this. Honestly to me it did looked like you could handle it. I don't know, maybe your just good at hiding it. Look, if we knew what was going on then we would have had someone to come over and help you, like a nanny or something." I shook my head.

"No, I don't want anyone taking care of my child but Sara or I. I wont be someone that never sees his family because he's too busy with work to be in his child's life." I stated.

"That's understandable." Niall spoke. "But I was going to ask you if you wanted me to see if Samantha can watch Addison while we go and do the interview with management." I hadn't even beed told we had an interview.

"When is it, the interview." I asked.

"Saturday." As if things couldn't get any worse then they already are, they seem to always find a way to.

"I cant go." I paused to try and catch the one breath of air I had left. "Aidens funeral is on Saturday."

"When were you planning on telling us? How long have you known?"

"A lady came over a few days a go and we planned the whole thing out and sorry I didn't exactly feel like sending out hand written invitations." I replied, sounding a little more sarcastic than I had originally planned.

"Does Sara know?" I hadn't even registered who has asked those words because my mind seemed to go blank after the mention of Sara's name.

I shook my head. "No."

Sara's POV

I've sat in this hotel room for more days than I can remember, I've simply lost count. There hasn't been a day that's gone by that I haven't thought about Aiden. His last days replay over and over in my head but whats even worse is the only thing I can remember is the last few minutes he had on this earth while he laid in my arms. I keep asking myself, what could I have done better? Was there something I could have done that would have allowed me to save my child's life. There's a part of me that wants those questions answered but another part is scared to because I don't want to be told that there was something I could have done.

I haven't received any calls from Harry yet and I'm still deciding if that's a good thing. It's not that I'm trying to avoid him, it's just that's seeing or hearing from him will bring out unwanted and unknown emotions that I'm not prepared for yet.

I've been trying to pull myself together enough to pick up the phone and call someone, anyone. If I don't do something with my life soon than I'm afraid I never will. My eyes trail to the side table beside me. My mind starts to race as I pick up and hold the device in my hand. Before I can think anymore, I find myself dialing a very familiar number. I can hear my heart beat in anticipation as the ringing of the phone continued. As I waited for him to answer, my hopes slowly diminish as I was soon to be put to voice mail. I dropped the phone to my lap when I heard his voice.

"Hello?" His voice sounded week and shaky, something I don't hear very often. I hesitated to answer not because I didn't want to but because I couldn't . I hadn't thought of anything to say prior to the call. Both ends of the line were silent.

"Sara?" I heard his voice again even though it was barely higher than a whisper.

"Yeah, it's me." I replied. Speaking for the first time in over a week feels so unnatural. My throat feels dry and in need of water but I had no urge to move from my current position.

"How have you been?"

"Not good." I paused. Something about this didn't feel right. "Harry you know we're not the ones for small talk." As to be expected we both remained silent. I hated that we had became like this. I desperately wanted things to go back to the way they were before but I knew that it was something that wasn't going to happen.

"Where are you? Can I come see you?" I was surprised by his words. There was a little glimmer of hope that Harry somehow feels the same way I do.

"I don't know."

"Sara you cant keep yourself isolated like this, it's not good. You need to come home where we can heal together. Addison needs her mum." There was a slight pause and I had a feeling I already knew what he was going to say.

"I need you."

I suddenly feel the urge to fight back the tears that were already forming quickly in my eyes. Thinking about Addison made me feel something that I haven't felt in a very long time. I felt guilty. It was selfish of me

to leave my child in a time like this. It isn't fair to her that I've abandoned her when none of this was her fault. It isn't fair to leave her and it especially isn't fair to leave Harry like this. I quickly started to realize that I have done the exact same thing to Harry that I was getting mad at him for doing to me. I haven't been there for my family and unfortunately its taken me a whole week to realize it.

My voice was shaky and full of pain as I spoke. "Harry, can you come and get me?" I have this feeling that he is just as surprised as I am to hear those words come out of my mouth.

"Give me the address, I'm coming."

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