Chapter 17

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Sara's POV

It has been an hour since the doctors took Aiden and I still hadn't been told anything. Eleanor had arrived a little over twenty minutes ago. I can't help but feel like I'm holding some sort of envious feeling towards her. All I seem to think about it finding the ring then discovering Harry didn't buy it and he wasn't planning on giving it to me. I know it isn't her fault but I can't help but feel jealous that her and Louis are so happy and here I am in a hospital for Aiden without Harry by my side, where he should be, more miserable than I've ever been in my life.

I was too wrapped up in my thoughts to realise that Taylor had arrived.

"Have you heard anything?" He asked, catching my attention.

"No, they haven't told me anything." I answered blankly.

"And Harry?"

"Not here." I got up, unable to help myself, and wrapped my arms around him. I can't begin to describe the feeling I got when I saw my brother in person. But it also made what is happening seem so much more real. We sat down in complete silence for what felt like forever but in fact it was only half an hour.

"Sara, is there anything I can get you? Something to drink or something to eat?" Eleanor asked. I shook my head. I haven't felt the urge to eat all day. How can anyone possibly do anything at a time like this? She went on to ask Taylor but he gave her the same answer. She sat back down and the silence returned.

I looked down at my baby who was sleeping peacefully next to me. I looked at her and all I see is Harry. I have to stop myself from letting tears spill from my eyes. It astonished me how Harry continues to not answer my calls. I keep making excuses for him in my head to why he wouldn't be here right now. Maybe he left his phone at the house before he left. Before he left. Those words leave a sour taste in my mouth.

"Have you heard anything from Louis yet?" I asked Eleanor. I didn't have to wait long for my answer as the look on her face said it all.

"Don't worry, they'll find him soon." I mentally laughed to myself. Don't worry. Telling me to not worry is like telling the sun not to shine or the world not to turn. It's just not something I can do.

"And what if they don't?" It wasn't really a question I've been thinking about; I ended up saying it without warning.

"Then I'm not sure-" Eleanor began but was quickly cut off by Taylor.

"Then I will go out there and find him myself. I can only imagine the thought going through Taylor's head. I can tell Harry hasn't made the best impression on Taylor. He has every right to be mad at Harry and I can't help but feel the same way.

Addison began to move around the chair and I reached over to pick her up. I held her close to my chest and cradled her head into the crook of my neck. She's the one person in my family that I know is 100% safe and where they're supposed to be.

When I hear my name being called, I can feel my heart stop and then quickly speed up. Whatever I'm about to hear will change my life for either the better or for the worse. I rush over to the doctor wish Addison still in my arms. I can see from the corner of my eye, Taylor and Eleanor right beside me.

"Are you Aiden's mother?" The doctor asked.

"Yes I am. Is he okay? What happened?" I sniffled.

The doctor grimaced at my desperate expression. "Ma'am do you know what 'SIDS' is?"

"No." It sounded familiar but I was too worried about Aiden to really think about it.

"SIDS is a condition Aiden suffered from during sleep. We're never sure what the cause is until we conduct a full assesment." I wasnt quite sure what he was trying to tell me.

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