198. New Chapter (plus a recap if you need it)

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hi. sorry i went MIA. I hate that I did, im sorry.

Here is a new chapter! (with a recap first in case you need a recap!) and then i also have a second chapter almost ready after it so after you read this chapter you wont be waiting more than a few hours to get the second one

this story is just way too long to have to re-read it. so if you dont remember what happened last time you read, here—

to recap: (if you don't need the recap just scroll down past it)

-Mrs. Andrews used a sunday school teacher, basically getting her to pass on a birthday present to Walter without Anne knowing. The present was a Brownie 2, a type of camera back then, and Anne was angry that Mrs. Andrews was sneaky and gave it to him without Anne knowing. She is tired of Mrs. Andrews trying to insert herself into their lives.

-Anne stopped teaching her own sunday school class and stopped going to church at all because she is sick of Walter constantly wanting to run over to Mrs. Andrews and he is just so stuck on her and it upsets Anne

-Gilbert went to Redmond like he did in the books (the tv show had him go somewhere else, but I started this story before the tv show had that part)

-After his first year he decided he could not be away from Anne for four years that was just impossible

-He applied for the teaching position at avonlea school and got it using his license from Queens, its still summer in the story but once its fall he'll start teaching

-He will stay in avonlea teaching school while taking his college courses by correspondence dance (the equivalent of taking online classes)

-because of this plan, matthew and marilla were ok with them getting married now, because they will be able to stay in avonlea and anne wont be lonely while gilbert is working because she can always come over to green gables if she is

-so gilbert proposed, and anne said yes, and they explained to walter that after they get married then he and anne will move in with gilbert.

-its too late to have a summer wedding and they don't want to wait til the following spring, so they decide on a christmas wedding since their friends will all be home for christmas

-marilla is about to start working on anne's wedding dress and wedding plans are coming up soon!

-once its time for him to go to medical school (three years from now) they will have to leave avonlea for that but will move back home once its over


Now that Anne had refused to teach her Sunday School class- and would not even explain to the Reverend why she didn't want to be the teacher anymore- he was obliged to look for a new one.

It turned out that the younger children's teacher would have preferred the school age children, and so with Anne out of the way she was free to move up. Another lady in the congregation was sought for the younger children's class.

Anne was sorry to have caused the problem, but she was unwilling to attend church at all, so it could not be helped.

The first day of the new term in Sunday School was unpleasant as Marilla told Anne she'd had quite enough of this and that if Anne refused to take the child to church then she would take him herself.

"Fine," Anne had said. "If that's what you want, fine. As long as I don't have to go!"

Marilla sighed, because no, that was not what she wanted. "Anne," she said patiently. "It isn't setting a good example to him, for his mother not to go to church."

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