17. Grown Up Friends

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I don't normally like writing in extra characters that aren't really in the tv show, but I felt Anne needed something different and exciting to cheer her up.


Anne fell asleep with Marilla there, rubbing her back.

She was stirred from her sleep in the late afternoon, sunbeams coaxing her awake by dancing across her freckled cheeks.

When she came downstairs again, she was terribly hungry.

She was about to ask if she could help with dinner, but sighed, thinking Marilla probably wouldn't want her to.

But Marilla didn't need help with dinner. "We're going out," she announced.

"To Mrs. Lynde's?" Anne asked, thinking Mrs. Lynde had invited them for dinner.

"No," Matthew said. "And we won't tell you where. Just go get in the buggy. It's a surprise."

"A surprise?" Anne asked. "For me?"

"Naturally," Marilla said. "Now go on, get in the buggy."

Anne bounced out the door.

Matthew laughed.

Marilla told him, "I hate to see her upset. My saving grace is that it's so easy to pick her back up. Anything different, anything that's a surprise, and off she goes."

They followed her out.

Matthew's slow driving felt even slower now that Anne was excited.

A short time later Matthew pulled up to the Perkins' house.

"Are we eating at Emily's house?" Anne asked curiously.

"Maybe. You'll have to wait and see," Matthew said.

Marilla rang the bell. Emily was quick to answer.

"Hello, Anne," Emily said warmly.

"Hello, Emily!" But then she felt awkward. "I'm sorry I stopped coming over to help you with Clara..."

Emily shook her head. "That's all right. You've had other things going on just now. I understood."

Anne glanced up at Marilla.

Marilla nodded slightly- she had told Emily about Anne's condition. She felt she had to.

Surprisingly, Anne did not mind. Telling Emily was different from telling other people, and Anne was relieved not to have to tell Emily herself.

"Anyway," Emily said brightly, "I've been asking Miss Cuthbert to bring you by for a visit, and today she finally said you were able to. I'm excited you're here."

Anne was happy, but she was also hungry. She hoped she was there for more than just a visit.

"We'll see you later, Anne. Mr. Perkins will bring you home. Have a good time," Marilla said, leaning down for a quick hug.

Anne hugged Matthew too.

Emily led Anne into the house. "Are you ready to go, or would you like to use the privy before we set out?"

"Where are we going?" Anne asked. "I thought I was just here to visit."

"Oh, we'll visit. But we're going to go somewhere else," she said mysteriously.

Anne was intrigued.

Emily gave her a shortbread cookie to eat while they waited, but it was only a couple of minutes before a buggy pulled up the drive.

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