181. Coming Back Together

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On the third day, she still did not miss him, but in the late afternoon she found herself idly wondering what he was doing, and if he had slept well during his nap. She hoped Gilbert had made him take a nap, and hadn't just let him play until he was worn out and cranky.

At the end of the third day, Anne asked Gilbert what they had done that day.

Gilbert- very aware of the fact that this was the first time Anne had even wanted to know what her child had been doing- decided to leave out the bit about the tantrums he'd had and the time he'd had an accident and soiled his pants.

Instead, he told her only the good things, concluding with: "We went to the pond to look at the fish and to throw bits of bread out for the ducks to eat. He liked watching them. Oh, and he counted the baby ducks that were floating along in a line behind their mother."

"Did you make him do that?" she wanted to know.

Gilbert shook his head. "No, he just happened to."

Anne asked with a frown, "He's never counted ducks before."

Gilbert said, "Well, sometime you and I can take him to the pond together and then you can watch him count the ducks all you want."

"Yeah..." Anne agreed.

Gilbert, watching her, suddenly said: "Hey, I have an idea. Tomorrow why don't you meet us at the pond for lunch? Say about noon? I'll bring food so we can have a little picnic there and you can watch him count the ducks then."

"I don't know..." Anne said.

"It'll only be a little while, just long enough to eat lunch. And then you could go on home, without him- I'll keep him still, and I'll bring him back at bedtime just like before."

Gilbert thought that if Anne was expressing even the slightest bit of interest in her baby, he needed to jump on the opportunity and help ease her back into his life.

"Well...all right," Anne agreed.


The next morning when Gilbert came for Walter, he confirmed with Anne that she still planned to come.

In the afternoon Gilbert packed a picnic lunch, but chose not to tell Walter that his mama was going to come with them to the pond, just in case Anne changed her mind and did not show up.

He wasn't disappointed, though.

Gilbert saw a red headed figure coming toward them in the afternoon sunshine, and the sight of her coming over the hill lifted his heart right up to the heavens. He excitedly pointed out Anne to Walter: "Look who that is, Walter! Mama came to have lunch with us."

Their lunch was quiet, for Anne, but busy and noisy for Walter. Gilbert sat holding her hand while Walter talked and talked to her about what he had done that day. Anne did not say much, but she did squeeze Gilbert's hand occasionally.

After they finished eating they began walking along the water's edge, Walter throwing breadcrumbs.

Please, please count the ducks, Gilbert pleaded silently. As if he could read Gilbert's mind, Walter eventually began counting them. And Gilbert watched Anne for some sign of life.


When it was time to say goodbye, Walter began to cry again, pulling toward Anne, but Gilbert scooped him up and tickled him to make him laugh, saying, "I want you to stay with me, little guy. We still have to play, don't we? Aren't we going to make a big tower with your blocks?"

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