45. Jerry and Gilbert

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Marilla mentioned Jerry's attitude to Matthew that evening. "I've never heard him speak in such a tone. He sounded angry- no, he sounded disgusted. And I couldn't figure out why. Oh- I don't mean to me, Matthew. To Gilbert. And as far as I know, the two had never even met."

Matthew didn't say anything, but he thought he had a pretty good idea of what the problem might be.

"I'll see what I can get out of him," Matthew told her.


The next morning Matthew met Jerry in the barn for milking. Matthew did not usually make conversation, so Jerry was surprised when Matthew suddenly said, "I'm glad you didn't mind taking over the chores Anne used to do- collecting the eggs and such."

"I'm glad to help," Jerry said with a shrug.

Matthew was quiet a moment. Then he spoke up again: "Seems Anne finally got over her feelings and let Gilbert back in."

Jerry didn't say anything, looking away from Matthew, turning his attention back to his milk pail.

"We're both glad, Marilla and me. He's been good to her."

Jerry said- under his breath, more to himself than to Matthew- "I'm surprised you're all right with him."

"Well now," he said slowly, "He's been by her side all this time, and after what that other boy did to her..."

Matthew could see the surprise on Jerry's face, but he ignored it, and went on: "We're just glad that boy moved away so Anne won't have to see him anymore. If I had my way he'd be in prison, attacking her like that."

Jerry couldn't have spoken if he'd wanted to.

Matthew shook his head. "Our Anne wasn't doing very well, after what was inflicted upon her, but with such a good friend like Gilbert by her side, she's gotten through it. Yes, we're mighty glad for him."

Then Matthew, who had spoken more this morning than he was used to, stopped talking and focused on his task.

Jerry was staring at him, thinking, and feeling his conscience weigh on him.


Later, when Matthew went in for lunch, he told Marilla, "I got Jerry sorted out. Seems he was angry with the wrong person."


When Jerry saw Gilbert walking to Green Gables that afternoon, he stopped and approached him.

"Gilbert," he said.

Gilbert turned back to him. "Jerry," he answered lightly, wondering what was to come.

"Uh- I am sorry I was rude to you," Jerry said. "I jumped to conclusions. I blamed you for- for Anne- I thought you had made problems for her. I am sorry."

Oh, Gilbert thought- it all made sense now.

He held out his hand to Jerry.

Surprised, Jerry reached out and took it, and the two boys shook hands. Jerry was surprised, but relieved. "You are not angry?"

Gilbert explained, "Everyone put a lot of blame on Anne for expecting a baby- girls always seem to get judged so harshly for these things, but nobody seems to mind much what a boy does- as if he doesn't bear any responsibility for a baby coming." Then he smiled. "You know, Jerry, I think you're the first person in this town to put some of the blame on the boy."

"No," Jerry said, shaking his head. "I did not put some of the blame on you; I put all of the blame on you."

Gilbert laughed, and then Jerry did too.

"But I don't anymore. Thanks for not being mad," Jerry said.

"Thank you, too," Gilbert told him.

"What for?" Jerry asked, looking confused.

"For being her friend," Gilbert said with a smile.

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