138. The Argument

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Anne thought about Gilbert's plans until one morning at breakfast she suddenly blurted out, "I think it's time for me to move forward with my life."

Matthew and Marilla stopped eating, their forks paused mid-air.

"Move forward with your life?" Marilla finally asked, confusion in her voice.

"Yes." Anne said confidently. "After Queens-"

Matthew and Marilla gave each other a look.

"What?" Anne asked, stopping when she saw their faces.

"Anne...it was wonderful that Miss Stacy made it possible for you to graduate Avonlea school, but...I thought you understood that you wouldn't be able to enroll at Queens. Now, I wish it wasn't so. But let's try to make the best of things and enjoy the fact that you can graduate. I intend to have a party for you right around the same time graduation would be, so we can celebrate. We'll invite all your friends and I'll make a cake-"

Anne shook her head quickly. "A party'll be nice, Marilla," she rushed on, waving that off. "But I'm talking about after Gilbert goes to Queens, not me."

"How is his studying going?" Marilla asked pleasantly, glad to hear that Anne wasn't suffering from any delusions about Queens accepting young mothers into their ranks.

"He's doing splendidly," Anne answered confidently. "He's ready for the exam- though I can tell he's a little nervous about it!- but he plans to take the teaching course in one year instead of two; that way he can go to Redmond sooner."

"That's very ambitious," Marilla remarked. "I'm not a bit surprised, though- he's an ambitious fellow. I do hope condensing Queens into one year won't be too taxing for him."

"Sure he'll be fine," Matthew spoke up. "Smart as a whip- just like our Anne." He smiled at her.

Anne smiled back.

"Yes, and if Redmond allowed students to condense their courses the way Queens does, I'm sure he'd finish Redmond in record time, too," Marilla agreed, herself with a smile for Anne. "I know you'll miss him while he's away."

"Well," Anne said, "That's just the thing. I may not have to miss him."

"What d'you mean?" Matthew asked.

Anne took a breath. "When Gilbert is finished with Queens, it might be a good time to get married. Then we can move to Kingsport together while he goes to Redmond."

They both stared at her.

"Has he asked you, Anne?" Marilla began sharply. She looked at Matthew. "I should think he might speak to us first! Proposing marriage!"

"He didn't ask me," Anne explained. "We were just talking about college, and he mentioned that if we married before Redmond then we wouldn't have to be apart for four years."

Marilla was done with her breakfast and pushed her plate away. "I don't think he ought to discuss such things with you. We had no idea he had any intention-"

"Intention!" Anne repeated. "What do you think he's been doing here for the past year and a half? Just being a pal?"

"He is your friend, that is all," Marilla said, her voice rising. "Had I known he had any improper intentions, I'd never have allowed him-"

"Improper intentions!" Anne cut her off. "There is nothing improper about intending to marry someone! Gilbert's never done anything improper! He loves me and he wants to marry me! You...you make it sound as if he's just waiting for you to turn your head so he can act like a...a cad!"

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