chapter 48: Revealed

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Hear the song.. It's really something..🙂

Sunil didn't sleep. He is worried about deni. He rolled over in his bed here and there. Then sat up in his bed.

"let's check deni", he said that to himself and went to see her. But the room door is open. "where is she?", he thought. "may be in the restroom", he thought and sat in her bed, waiting for her. Two three minutes passed on but no sense of her. He lost his patience and knocked the restroom door. There's dead silence. He called her, "deni..., deni", no response.

He tried to open the door, it clicked open and there's no one inside the restroom. He ran to the hall, balcony, terrace...but there's no sign of her in the house. He dialed her. But it's out of network. He tried again and again. Then decided to search for her, so he ran to take his bike keys and left the house.

He searched for her in the park, in the church, in night shops, but she's no where. He got tensed. Anger rages through him and clenches his fist. His anger turned into terrible sadness, he started trembling. Many thoughts and fears took over him.

He already went through this situation. He think of those past haunted memories. How he searched for HER. But failed to find HER alive but dead. Thinking of those terrors his hands and legs started shaking. He rubbed his temples and think how he should find deni. Then suddenly his mind commanded him to call Robert. He tried to call rob, but his mobile is switched off.

"damn, damn, what's with all these cellphones?", yelled sunil. Then he thought of calling deni's friends. But suddenly a glimpse passed before him. It's just 10 meters away from him. He slowly raised his head from his phone to look what it is? But there's nothing.

A chill passed through him. It's very cold and he started shivering. Suddenly something passed behind him. He shuttred and He thought, "who is here at this time? ", he checked the time it's 1 am. He slowly turned around to look who's is that? But no one...

He starts to walk from there... Suddenly he felt someone's presence behind him. He stopped for a sec and started walking again.. That presence tends to follow him. He stopped again. He swallows hard. He decided to look back. He collects all his courage to look back. He swings around shouting, "heyy" with his hands in air.

His hands went through the white smoke sprinkling in the air. Seeing this he gasps and take two steps back. His eyes popped out in terror. He started breathing fast.

Sparkling white dust in the air just swrils around in the sky

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Sparkling white dust in the air just swrils around in the sky. He watched it in horror and awe. The dust started taking shape, it reveals him in terror.

 The dust started taking shape, it reveals him in terror

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