I Will Not Speak

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Two months ago, I was in the same place I tried to escape. That didn't end that well. Isabella tried to save me and I got shot. That was the most scared I saw Isabella now I'm back tied in a chair being Damon's beating buddy again, times like this I would like her mind out of my body. I need to keep my mouth shut or speak nonsense. Damon punches me across my face. I spit out blood out of my mouth. Chloe grabbed my chin. I heard Ella screaming and my ears started to bleed as Chloe touched the blood.   

I am thankful for hearing her voice. I wish it wouldn't be a scream. She smiled at me oh shit. she knows damnit Ella this is your fault.  
"If we die or be used as a weapon this is your goddamn fault not mine so stop screaming before your mother figures out that you're in here," I say, in my head, "or worse so control your emotions."
"Sorry, I just don't trust that old hag," Isabella says, "that girl is seriously bad news." Chloe stops touching me. I started to hear a sharp violent noise ringing in my ears. I heard Isabella whisper "stop please... please stop. Just please stop, I'm not going to listen, I'm not going to let them die."
"Come on boys we got business to discuss things," Chloe says, Damon and Elijah exit the room. "If you think your girl is safe you are more wrong than I thought." Chloe leaves the room and slams the door behind her. 

Isabella stopped whispering as she felt like she was free. I tried to get out of the chair but I seemed to be cutting myself.  I tried again and again then the chain broke into a million pieces. I stood up and no one was there.  The cuffs shattered like glass

"Aidan, go to the morgue," Isabella ordered, "my body is there. I think I'm able to reconnect with my body...  if not, we need a plan A, B, C, D and Z."
"Okay, Ella, we can do that, there's just one issue," I say, "How are we going to get past the soldiers? The place is swarming with Damon men...  wait Ella you need to stop hiding who you are." 
"What do you mean?" Isabella asked, peeking out of the door looking at the soldiers that had weapons with them. "I never hide who I am except... Aidan no I don't want to do that they will think you're an inhuman freak like me that's why my memories got erased, I don't want you to go through the same thing."
"Isabella, what else do we have to lose? except our lives, not the point." I say, "we were born in this cationic world when we were children, we learn how to survive so let's do more than survive. You can have a broken heart, golden heart, stone heart, beating heart, steel heart, lion's heart, even a wild heart but at the end life is still not all about surviving it's about more than just surviving... you may think your emotions make you weak, your emotions make you strong." 
"Okay let's kick their asses."

We walked out the room and Damon soldiers pointed their weapons at us. We disappeared. I didn't know what she was doing but they were shooting everywhere. I started running to dodge all the bullets. I went into a room where all the bodies where I'm guessing Isabella's body is in here hopefully somewhere her body is. We better have a lot more plans than this if her body isn't here. 

"Ella where too," I asked, I felt Isabella out of my mind and she didn't answer me. I call her name. I still see dead bodies then one of the bodies stand up and walk towards me. The body has its arms out. I backed away from it until I hit the wall and I was inches apart. "Please don't kill me, I will do anything." 
"I just want a hug," Isabella laughs as the body falls to the ground. Of course, she would do something like this. "I'm sorry...  really, I couldn't help myself really...  if we get out of this alive, I'll make you lunch."
"Okay witch body is yours?" I asked, she didn't answer me "Isabella." 
"Um none of them are...  mine is in the back of the room," Isabella says, "I'll be right back...  I miss my body," Next thing I know Isabella slam the door open. "If Damon wants you and me dead, I will not speak. I will not give him what he wants. I will be his worst nightmare."

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