Dark golden boy

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Chapter Seventy-Two


I can't believe she left me in here. This can't be good only three reasons, one Zoë is out there somewhere, two Cassie and Isabella is out here with my twin, three the FUCKING WORLD IS ENDING. We are all dead because of idiot one and idiot two. Aidan isn't going after her, which he always does. I'm pacing back and forth trying to figure out a way to convince her but nothing. Aidan and Logan are sitting on the floor doing plain old nothing.  
Isabelle think of the positive Michael is finally dead and that's all I can think of, shit, why the hell did Zoë had to destroy afterlife, doing that she destroys heaven and hell if there was an award for stupidity of the year, I'm pretty sure she would earn that because EARTH IS FUCKED! Aidan having to sacrifice himself sucks to be him. Ella can find some better without any sacrifice to earth.  

"Isabelle I can read your mind you know that right," Aidan says, I look straight at him, "do you think Ella would do that? She would put herself right into work until she couldn't feel the pain... lets play a game Isabelle."  
"What game," 
"You have to pretend that we never me and Ella never met especially me and  logan," 
"Wow," Logan says, "what did she say... is she being dramatic?"
"I'm not dramatic," 
"Not now logan... what will life be like would be the same would you Ella be close would one of you be dead," 
"I don't know really, I never thought of it that way," I say, "me and Ella would always be close." 
"Babe, he has a point. Would we be dating? We might not," Logan says, "think of it like the butterfly effect." 
"One thing can change everything," I say, "okay I'll shut up about it." Logan and Aidan started laughing. 
"Shut up." I ordered them, "at least my name isn't Earth Curse, Dark Golden Boy." We all look up at the purple smoke Aidan and Logan stands up. 
"See you in hell Aidan," 
"Right back at you buddy." The three of us disappear where Isabella is. 


Cassie forgives but she disappears with the purple smoke. The end is here I can't believe it's actually here I never thought this would be the last time I get to see Aidan. Cassie told me the name of the stone it's called the death stone. Even the name of it is dreadful. She also told me that the future could change because of the butterfly effect thing. I know I need to do right by my name. I need to make sure no one gets hurt, no one dies again, I'm getting surrounded by purple smoke. Then Aidan, Isabelle and Logan appeared then I saw Zoë running towards me. 

"See Isabella Penelope Rossi I won," she says the golden boy and you lose and I'm still alive your vision was wrong." 
"I didn't say when you were going to die... Did I Zoë?" I asked, "everyone has a meaning in this world... sometimes bad things have to happen for the world to be reborn." 
"She is actually right," Aidan says, "it's not a stupid idea for once." 
"You can't stop me, I already won." 
"I already saw this before but I wasn't in it..." I say, "it was only you and Aidan, no Isabelle and Logan either." 
"What are you saying?" 
"Payback is a bitch."  

Isabelle and Logan fainted this where Aidan dies, I think. Next thing I knew all the immortality stone powers went in the stone. The future had changed, Aidan grabbed my katana and threw it at Zoë, Zoë is dead.

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