Family Doesn't Define You

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Chapter Thirty-Four


Chloe is pointing a gun at me melody 5000 kilometers above the ground my father is being mind controlled or tricking Chloe. He's probably tricking her because the stone can only control people only once. On the other hand, I don't know if my powers have the save effect.
A story always has a hero that is a man I am going to fuck with history this time This time a woman will save the world this time I will rise I am not afraid what will unravel. My sister walks towards Chloe... I'm going to kill that bitch if it's not the last thing i freaking do on this damn earth and I will enjoy it.

"Isabella I'm sorry she found me and controlled..." Isabelle says, Chloe cut her off with the stupid. Isabelle is wearing all black.
"Enough with that dear," I rolled my eyes, not caring about anything that she said. It's getting really boring the same old thing over and over again. "Dark commander how has you been it's been awhile since the last we saw each other."
"Ha, ha, ha, do you bring all your toys when you want to talk?" I asked, "I may be the Dark Commander, it doesn't mean I won't kill you, "I feel something sharp hit my neck. I pulled it out of my neck as everything started to go in a blur. It was a freaking sleep dart. "I'm... I'm going to kill you." I hit the ground and my body felt numb.
"Ella Rossi, I hope you change your mind," Chloe says, "I truly do hope you change your mind when you wake up." everything went dark in flash.


Me and my dad are arguing again because I don't want to eat again. The girls at school will let me sit with them if I don't eat for a month. No one likes me. My mom is always gone. Isabelle and Melody go to a normal school. I'm a freak because what I can do is try to stay calm so my powers don't turn on. I can't deal with it, because the last time I nearly died this time was different. I am wearing a blue shirt and grey jeans and my hair is in a ponytail. He is driving us to his base so I can go to school. I don't really want to go that much.

"Ella, we've talked about this and we got nowhere, literally nowhere Isabella," I rolled my eyes, "Isabella, you know who the principle is," I nod, "good if you don't eat or make any good friends you get to eat in my office." I sigh "you understand me princess."
"Yeah, yeah," I say "can I skip the whole meeting and get on with my life."
"No, you can't," he says with his smirky smile, "princess before I forgot there is a new kid starting today you won't be in class today, you're going to show him around the place he'll be waiting by my office."
"That means he will know who I am," I say, "another person will fear me because of you killing my grandfather... thanks for that by the way... you wonder why Chloe hates you it's because you killed her father."
The car stopped the car. "Be good and eat something" he says, as I grab my bag from the back seat, I open the door and "have a good day."

I walked inside the building and headed to my father's office. No one knows who my father is or my grandfather is. I think that is for the best even if I'm being made fun of all the time, I got to do what I have to do for people to not fear me like my father. I finally Arrive at my father's office and I see a young boy around my age. He has blonde hair, blue hair, fair white skin like mine, he is wearing dark blue jeans, black top and black shoes. I look towards him.

"Hi you must be the new kid, right?" I asked, as he nodded, I smiled, "good my father didn't tell me your name."
"Aidan," he answered, "my name is Aidan," I know he is. I think I just need his last name.
"You're not getting my last name," he's telepathic. This is bad if Chloe finds out he is a dead man. I know him. Aidan was a nickname I gave him when I was a child. "Your father orders."
"First don't you ever do that again Adrian Addison," his eyes widened in shock, I know why he's here. My father passed worrying about me. He knows that Adrian is my weakness. "Next time don't use that name or any names that I called you golden boy."
"Isabella let me explain why I'm here." he says, as I rolled my eyes, I started walking away from him but he kept following me. "That Peter from another universe he isn't as friendly as I thought," I stop walking, I turn around, "he was hurting me and my brother I was about to call him but your father called  because of you not eating again. Tell me this isn't true Isabella?" he walked closer to me. I felt my throat tighten.
"Aidan it's none of your business," I turn around, "I am fine." I say trying to walk away. He grabs my hand and my cold hand.
"You are going home and you are going to eat whether you like it or not." he says dragging me outside back to my father's car, "do I need to lift you up or can you do that yourself." I open the passenger door and throw my bag in the passenger seat.
"Princess I'm just worried about you," my father says, I know he's worried about me. Maybe I should eat something, "he's here for two reasons that he might have told you already."
"Yes, he did dad," I say, as I close the door and open the back doors to me. Aidan got in the car and I closed the door. Aidan started to look shocked. "You are my only friend okay." My father arrived at the house. He throws my bag at me as me and Aidan goes inside my house, he goes in the fridge he pulls an apple out and throws it at me I catch it but I don't eat it i put it on the counter.
"Isabella," he calls out to me, "you need to eat."
"I'm not hungry," I say, Protest to eat the apple started floating in the air. "I said I'm not hungry." The apple floated closer to me and fog started coming off of my body.
"Isabella, there's two way I see how this will go," he says, "you either eat the apple or I'm going to feed it to you."
"Fine," I say as I grab the apple, "I'll eat the apple if you promise You will never feed me."
"Okay deal," he says as I look at the apple and finally take a bite of the apple. "Isabella I'm going to be here for awhile so I won't let anything bad happen to you."

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