Always & Forever

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Chapter Twenty-Eight


Isabella has to survive this. I have to save her somehow and her father. Maybe I should look for Michael. I could convince him to save her and dad and get hell off this damn island. Somehow, I finally hit the water. It was unpleasant. I swam to the island where one of Ella's katana falls to the ground.   

"Oh shit." I say to myself; "she's screwed."   

Isabella's weapons suddenly started falling to the ground. I ran towards the tree as I watched all her weapons hit the ground including her butterfly knife. I walk towards the weapons. I see an arrow almost hit me. I pull out my hand as I turn around and point it at him at Michael, he is pointing the bow at me he's going to try to kill me great.  

"Hey Michael, buddy, why don't you put the bow down," I say, as he tightens his grip on the bow and drops my gun. "You're an inhuman, some of the strongest... telepathic right, I'm telepathic too."  
"Yeah right," Michael says, "prove it rich boy" I hate that name. It's so overrated just because I work for a Hunter. "How about I shoot you and you make sure it doesn't hit you,"  

"Ha-ha nice now you're going to kill both of us," she says, in my head, "just tell him stop being a damn idiot."  

"Isabella You stop being an idiot," I say, out loud Michael lowers his bow, "I'm only here because of you."  
"Aww gee thanks," Ella says, "no wonder why Peter from earth 397 left you." 
"Is she in there?" Michael asked, "Isabella."  
"Yes, I am dickwad," Isabella says, "Michael you freaking owe me one time to pay up for breaking six of my fucking ribs Aidan is still my bodyguard."
"Is she usually like this."
"No," I say, as I put my hand out, "how about we put differences behind us." Michael grabs my forearm and shakes my arm oddly. I pull my arm away from him. 
"Michael what are you doing?" I asked, "you know what handshake is?" 
"Yes, I do...  now grab her weapons and come on, ––" Michael says, I look at him like he's nuts if he thinks I'm carrying all of her weapons. I pick up Ella's butterfly knife and her aunt's pry axe as I attach it to my holster. "Okay, I'll help."  

Michael picks up Isabella's katanas. We walk until we reach a hollow wood. I don't understand any of this, not even this island. My powers were acting weird at times they worked other times they didn't. This island is the craziest thing I have ever seen. Ella hasn't explained the whole story about this damn island. I don't get why she didn't tell me, maybe she didn't care about it. 
Michael open the hatch and drop the katanas down in the hole I thought things can't get anymore crazier I was wrong when war goes down with Isabella Penelope Rossi and Chloe fletcher people will get slaughter sometimes it will be on purpose other times it's not on intention all I know I need to get Hunter Rossi out before Chloe use him as lavage for her do stuff. 

"Stop worrying about the Rossi's," Michael says, "I got a plan to get them back... now jump." That's what I did. I jumped in a hole that wasn't completely dark. I landed on my feet. Michael did the same thing but when he landed close the hatch with his mind. "Is she in your head?" 
"That's a very long story," I say, "a short version of Isabelle tried to put Isabella in a coma. It didn't work that well. She got stuck in my head for a month but now we can hear each other's thoughts not even trying... What's the deal with this island? My powers are not working and how are yours working?"  
"Wrong," she says, "believe whatever you want to believe."
"I guess you two can learn the background of this island's history..." Michael says, "Isabella tell me about the guardian of death?" 
"Michael," I say, "Isabella's memory..." 

"Shut it Golden boy..." Isabella says in my head I'm pretty sure Michael is listening. "He was a Fletcher guardian the darkest one of all he killed most of humankind the only way they cared for him was to put him in an internal coma every two years he wakes up the guardians put him back in the coma. Before they put him in the coma, he did three awful things made this stupid island, he also made us inhuman and... and I don't know the last page was rip out."

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