Not Alone

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Chapter thirty-six


Ella is in surgery I never thought I would be this worried about her the second time she broke her ribs. The same ribs she broke when she was fifteen, I want to kill Michael for breaking her ribs in the first place. We've been here before Hunter is distracted by all the work he has to do. she is alone and she will feel abandoned again. Ella is used to it but she is lying to herself because she wishes this doesn't have to happen.  
Now considering Ella is Related to the most baddest person in the world who had died it makes sense in a way, all the people she had to kill a lot of people I tried so hard to make sure that wouldn't happen but... she had killed as many people as the dark commander she can't find out what will happen to the golden boy when Chloe tries to destroy all the worlds. I wish I didn't fall in love with her. In the end it wouldn't be so damn hard to lose something so good. 
Hunter walks up to me and he doesn't seem like he's in a bad mood. This can't be good. He has to know what will happen. I cannot keep this a secret anymore if he finds out what happens to me in the future, I can't tell her. The time is getting less and less, he might try to find out who's going to kill whoever has it out for me. We are in the base In the Medical bay I sit down. He stands right in front of me, I stand back up. 

"Sir we need to talk about Ella," I say, he looks at me confused, "sorry, Sir, I meant The Dark Commander." 
"Aidan you may be her bodyguard and her boyfriend... doesn't mean a damn thing. I will put a bullet in the back of your skull to protect her," Hunter says, "I don't want to hear it... actually on the other hand...  is she in danger?" 
"She isn't sir I've been trying to figure this out for sometime now why am I the only inhuman in the world who can absorb her powers," I say, running my hand through my hair, "I also didn't  know why my mother wanted me to watch over her but now it makes a lot of sense... The Dark Commander has a connection to blood like hers. but she has a destiny of her own." 
"What kind of Destiny?" Hunter asked, I didn't say a word, I didn't know what to say. "Why are you just telling me this now I know your parents have been dead for some time? I watched you for a while. I didn't adopt you because you didn't want to be adopted, why is that..." I still didn't say anything worried he might shoot me, "what the hell Aidan I'm not going to kill you even if what you are going to tell me is bad news is bad... You are like a son to me, Aidan." 
"I thought you hated me... you literally said you hate me a dozen of times when you left Ella dozens of times and I was stuck taking care of her..." I say, "don't say you had to make sure I wouldn't die. My father trained me. He was a stronger fighter than you...  people might say." 
"Watch it," he says, "you may not be living with me. It doesn't mean I can't ground you... tell me what's going to happen." I never expected it that this would ever happen but I know this is going to happen to her. "Well when a Dark Commander loses her immortal powers loses her memories and dies again a prophecy will start for me, I started having these dreams that seemed like it happened right there but I woke up and there I was breathing I thought it was nothing... I thought it was a silly dream, then I got similar dreams like that came true Ella becoming immortal and all the bad things. " I say "my mother never told me why I died, it never made sense..." 
"Okay," he says, "you know why people fear me?" 
"Because you killed Hitler..." he says, "Ella's grandfather," Hunter looks at me confused, "Chloe said that he's her grandfather." 

Isabelle comes out of a room wearing purple scrubs wearing medical gloves and a medical mask, her hair is tied back. She has blood on her gloves and she lowers the mask from her face. Me and Hunter look at Isabelle as we wonder if she's being controlled. I want to grab my gun and maybe she will answer some questions. I've been wondering how the hell she isn't being controlled by Chloe. 

"Calm down stop Arguing, I can hear you from in the surgery room," Isabelle says, I look at her thinking of the worse, "she's not dead... you can see her..." I walk in the surgery room, I see Ella, she looks a little different, Isabelle follows me. "She is very high on drugs." 

Ella started laughing, "What kind of drugs did you put in her?" Isabelle doesn't say a thing, "ISABELLE." 
"It's more like a laughing gas." She says, "but it lasts a lot longer." 
"I'm a superhero," Ella says, as she puts her arms as she put them back down, Ella looks at me, "hi I'm Isabella and you're hot." 
"Tell your father what is wrong with Ella," I say, to Isabelle, she leaves Ella and I alone to talk to her. I grab her hand. "Hi, sweetheart how are you feeling?" 
"I'm very sleepy. I don't like this bed Aidan," Ella says, "can you take me home." 
"No, not there," Ella says, "New Zealand, our home that you made for us." 
"Okay we can do that, love," I say, as I let go of her hand, "Anything you want."

I picked up Ella as I started seeing orange. I disappeared to our room, I put her on the bed. I covered her up with black blanket and I lay down right next to her. There is a wardrobe, a bathroom, a study for mostly her and a nightstand on the left side of the bed. Ella puts her head on my chest and wraps my arms around her body. 

"Is this what is to drink too much alcohol?" she asked, I shake my head laughing, "it's not then what is it like?" 
"Remember when you went to the dentist?" I ask, she nods, "I think your sister uses something very similar but it's a lot stronger. You will probably be fine when you wake up." 
"Okay," she says, as she closes her eyes, "thank you, one day I will repay the favor." 
"I'll hold you on that, love."

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