Us Against The World

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Chapter forty-seven


I am looking at Aidan. Things are starting to make less and less sense. I don't know how Aidan is here. I'm trying to make sense of it. But I can't. I'm looking at Hitler through a dead fourteen year old. This day can't get any worse than this. He said that he was the Golden Boy. He can't be him if he is ill, make sure whoever tries to kill him suffers a worse fate. Even Hitler will save what is mine.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, "are you supposed to be? I don't know, Dead... an immortal is supposed to be up here... last time I checked you were a mortal." he looks at me confused but instead he just laughs, "I'm glad you're here... you and my grandfather haven't met yet..."
"I think I would rather not love?" he says, "we got things to do so can you finish this up."
"You think you can finish me," Hitler says, "do you know who I am? my name is..." 
"Well, my father did?" I say, cutting Hitler off, "he made every single bone and organ in your body shut down and shatter like glass... kind of like this." I squeezed my fist even harder. I started hearing his bones break and blood started coming out of his neck. He could scream and yell the pain I broke his neck pretty much "Hail Hitler... where the hell are we going and one better how the hell are you even here."
"I can do you one better, Isabella where the hell are we... how did you die?" He asked, looking at my burned clothing. "you step off the bomb?"
"I was pissed at Chloe she killed you in front of me. Did you expect me to let you stay dead," I say as tears fall down my face, "Michael was there too. They both should be dead, death should be the end."
"Ella where the hell are we?" he asked, "I know we aren't on earth, heaven or hell."
"How do you know? You never died before," I say as I walk closer to Aidan, "Or is there something you aren't telling me." Aidan started walking backwards away from me.
"Isabella let me explain," I started seeing red, as I walked closer to Aidan "hey ill explain everything if you don't act like a fucking maniac for once in your life."
"Fine talk."
"You know I almost died like several times. I lost count of how many times I almost died," he says, "my mother is inhuman better yet she was immortal somehow she had me and Matthew then Chloe killed her... kind of thinking about it Zoë looks exactly like her."
"Aidan they are twins," I say, "they are identical twins the only way you could tell them apart is by the eye colors... tell me Adrian what eye color she had and was she acting weird."
"Actually, thinking of it yes," he says, shit I need to get away from here, "she called my mother Katrina and my mother's name is Layla if you don't call that weird."
"We need to get out of here now," Aidan grabbed my hand and we started walking the opposite way to Hitler's body, "we need to find a door and walk through a door."
"She wants me to bring you to her," he says, "Ella what is going on?"
"I'll explain everything later," I say, "like nothing happened... you know nothing."

He lets go of my hand and walks away from me. I called his name and he didn't answer me. I don't understand what is all happening all of this. It doesn't make sense why he is here the only way he can get here unless he has an immortality stone in his back. I call his name again and still I tackle him on to the ground.

"You got my attention, what Is your issue?" He finally says, "you want me to act like nothing happened."
"Aidan if we die up here that's the end," I say, "no heaven no hell we are gone I'm trying to keep us alive... like I always do... Aidan do you trust me."
"Wow you mother is nice she doesn't like talking much does she," said Aidan, laughing, "you're saying if we die, we're dead, no coming back right?"
"Yes, you idiot," I say, "you will let me do all of the talking and you shut your pretty mouth of yours."
"Yes," he says, "I think she knows why I'm here," my eyes light up in surprise. "Isabella, I think she knows why Amanda was here."
"Okay," I say, I got off of him as I walked away from Aidan. He follows me "she better tell me the truth... or else." Aidan walks in front of me.
"Isabella she's your mother! Are you seriously thinking to give her a piece of your mind?" He says trying to make me stop walking didn't work, "Ella I know you're pissed at her for hiding countless crap you got to hear her point of view."
"Aidan she willingly put the stone in my spine... Aidan I love my mother but I need answers and I lost her already. If I have to lose her again I will." I say, me and Aidan walking further away from Hitler, "I really don't want Aidan. I guess we have to see how this all plays out. My mother already died. I don't want to give in hope... hope is for the weak and I'M not weak."
"Okay Ella if you don't like answers... don't try to murder your mother," I started laughing, "okay keep laughing."
"You have no paint in this place and no powers here for you anyways," I say, as I grab his hand, "I am glad that you're here Aidan...I just want to make sense of it."
"Like me now making sense of your father being Inhumans," my eyes widened in surprise, "to be honest I thought you got your inhuman powers from your mother."
"How the hell do you know I didn't even say anything about or thought of it," he smiled, "you heard mine and Hitler's conversation."
"Oh, yeah, calling him an asswipe," he says, stopping in front of me grabbing my hand with the engagement ring. "You know my mother isn't going to like you."
"Actually, she does like me," I say, his eyes widen, "I met her the first time I've been here; she doesn't like the future that my sister stands in the way she is happy for us." he sliding his hand up my arm I pull him in closer and start kissing him, he breaks the kiss. "Ella,"
"Shut up," I say, "more kissing less speaking."

He pinned me against a wall and started kissing up my neck. I held back a moan as I unbuttoned his shirt. He pinned my arms against the wall and he started biting my neck. I bit my lips. I broke the kiss pushing against the wall and I started kissing him. Next thing I know that my dress came falling off my body. I finally take off his shirt and pants and he lifts me up. I finally know what it means when you truly love someone.

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