Only Love

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Chapter Seventy

"This is the time we've been waiting for when we die, we will die without Inhumans like Michael was. He was cursed by the devil all Inhumans are the devil's product," Zoë continues, "when the purple smoke reaches this earth."

Ella is sleeping. I'm scared of what is going to happen to her. She probably isn't, she's probably brave like she always is. I never saw her scared of anything, not even death. I just hope she makes it through it. If not, I will die right here with her. I just want her to live. I just don't want her to suffer any more. The world is ending and she needs to wake up more than ever.  
Isabelle walks in her office that me and Isabella are in. I started to see Isabella glowing gold. I think we might have a larger issue than I thought. We live through violence maybe this is where we turn things around for the world and we can convenience Zoë to do good. Ella opens her eyes as she looks at me with a weird look she sits up and pulls the IV out of her arm.  

"That's cute," she says, "that will never happen. I wish it was true that people could change but sometimes people can't change Aidan... look what happened to Michael we hoped that he could change but the truth is he's not capable of change."  
"She's right, Aidan Zoë isn't capable of it," Isabelle says, "if she was, we wouldn't be living in a world where she is trying to kill Isabella would we now?"  
"I know, I know," I say, "maybe if Zoë had a soul, she would do something nice."

Ella and Isabelle started to laugh as Ella closed her eyes and stopped glowing. As she opened her eyes again, she walked over to the computer and started typing something into the computer. She saw something in that vision. I think it scared her a little. I never saw her do anything like this before it's not her thing.  She had a rough day. She had to kill someone who abused her over and over again and she is facing the fact that I'm going to die and I'm not going to come back because Afterlife is gone. If there is no afterlife there isn't an extra chance to live. 

"Ella, love, what are you doing?" I asked, "I am no computer scientist but is that above your paygrade?" 
"No, I wish it above my paygrade so I can convince my father to let me be a soldier," Isabella says, "go pack your stuff Aidan the world is ending and you're in the middle of it." 
"Okay," I say, as I disappear from the base to my house to start making my clothes and weapons.


I'm trying to figure out how many earths are left but when I found out the computer disappeared around a purple smoke, I was drawn to it. I reach my hand out to the smoke to touch Isabelle and push me to the ground. I was trying to figure out what just happened. Why did I want to touch it? I should know better if I don't know what it is. I shouldn't be touching it. This can't be any good. Could something have changed? I can't ask Layla because she is dead. I looked where the computer was and the smoke disappeared. How time do we really have? I don't know anymore, time is running out, we might have a few days left or less. 
I can feel every earth disappear and it's not a pleasant feeling. I notice that I am wearing the same clothes that I was drinking in. Isabelle looked very mad at what I just did.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Isabelle asked, "you could have turned into that purple smoke... wouldn't that be lovely?" 
"I'm sorry I didn't know what was happening, next I know the computer then... I was drawn to it." I answered, "I didn't want to touch it because I will pretty much die if I did, I would be alone." 
"What's your one fear, being alone ending up alone." Isabelle says, I got up off the ground, "if you die you will be living your worst fear." I nod, "then don't die." 
"Yeah, anyways no more sad talk I need the damn chip out of my neck." I say, "before I leave... I'm not a commander, I don't need one in me." 
"Okay sit in my chair..." she ordered me to sit down in the chair she grabs one of her tools, "would you consider being a commander one day?" 
"That would be freaking cool to control people around," I say my father being in charge, "never mind I take that back dad would be in charge and he would never let me do something like that he would kill me before that happens." I feel Isabelle's tool cutting my neck. It feels very cold. 
"You don't know Ella, sometimes people can change, like dad, mom, Damon'' she says, "because Michael and Zoë don't know how to change. the rest of our family can't." I feel something poking through my skin. 
"I guess people can change Izzy, but I like my job. No one gets to tell me what to do," I say, "and I feel powerful when I'm doing what I do." 
"Are you really happy?" 
"Yes, I am... Are you done with the stitching me up yet? because I got something very important to do before the end happens." I say, she pulled hard on the thread. I didn't feel the pain. "Izzy, I can't feel pain, you know that right." 
"Yes, I do... you can go now," she says as I walk towards the getting ready leave. "Isabella, whatever happens make sure that the world lives." 
"Of course, one life among thousands it is bound to happen," I say, "I rather die first then let all worlds stay dead. I'll make the hard choice and do what has to be done." 
"I know just please don't die?" she asked, "all I'm asking you don't die." 
"Isabelle, I don't know what will happen in my future," I say, "I'm pretty sure you and Logan, mom and dad will live." 
"Isabella, I love you," 
"Love you too Iz," 

I disappeared to a store. This guy made me something that I need it better be ready because if I'm going to be fighting this war with Zoe, I don't want to have scratches trying to beat her at her own game. I went up to the counter and pulled out my debit card. 

"Tell me Francisco nothing can cut it and it's done?" I asked, "the end happening in a couple days."   
"Yes, yes this fabric is a special kind of fabric right," he says, "you know how much money I had to spend to find this for you?" 
"Hey I'm paying you for it am I?" I tap my card on the debit machine. "Happy now, I have got things to do for our world." he puts the bag on the counter, "thank you, have a good day." I left his shop and packed all my clothes and weapons.

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