My Destiny

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Chapter thirty-Two

Okay where to start oh yeah, I remember. Elijah use that stupid stone to put me in a coma that's one way he could kill me but I can't see a damn thing I hope I'm looking back at everything that had happened my life my friends my family why am I still breathing I was back in my memory drive watching a memory of me and Adrian.


I was in a dark blue dress and silver wedge high heels. I was 15 years old and I was trying to hide from everyone, even Adrian even though he was my bodyguard and my boyfriend. I just want the pain of me never being normal to go away.   
I was at the ash mansion celebrating their normal stuff. I went up stairs into a room where nobody was in this room and I sat down. I can't believe my father would rather me go here than see my mother. A young boy walks in and he walks up to me, I stand up and try to escape whatever is going to happen. He grabs my hand. He has bright green eyes and is wearing a black tuxedo What the hell is Isabelle? I know she knows him.  

"Isabelle, where are you going? You said you want to practice the song," he says, he lets go of my hand, Izzy mentioned there was a boy, I need to stay calm. "Why did you dye your hair blonde?"  
"I'm sorry I think you got the wrong girl." I say, "my name is Isabella not Isabelle she is the older twin by a minute."  
"Nice try... wait you just said Isabella Scott," he says, Isabelle lied to him who she is, "I heard so much about you."  
"Oh, you did." I say, acting surprised, "what did you hear about me."  
"She said you're the popular one at school. "he says, that's funny I never went to school in my life. I've been homeschooling all of my life. "How is being popular?"   

  Adrian walks in the room just in time to save me, Adrian is wearing his classic black suit and I look towards him hoping he will save me. I hate balls, party's, dance, anything with crowded people. He walks towards me as he walks towards me as he puts his hand on my shoulders he kisses on top of my head. 

"You want to get out of here, love?" he whispered, I nod without saying a word, he grabbed my hand as we were about to walk out of this place, we were about to leave this place but Adrian stopped in the middle of the ball floor. He lets go of my hand; I am confused about what he is doing. 
"Adrian what are you doing?" I asked, "I thought we were going to leave this place." 
Adrian kneel to the ground as he holds his hand out, "Isabella Penelope Rossi may I have this dance."  

I was about to respond then I hear a gunshot I see Adrian blood his dark gold blood on the floor I went up to Adrian he puts his arm around me I put we head towards I open the passenger door and put Adrian the seat I close the as I went in the driver seat I start the car I didn't understand why he isn't healing, he grabs my hand trying to absorb my power but he couldn't use it.  

"Darling what's going on?" I asked, "is there anything I can do?"  

"DRIVE!" he yells, so that's what I did. I drove past the speeding limit. What am I talking about there isn't a speeding limit? I finally reached his apartment.  
"You are not capable of walking unless you want to lose your guts." I say, "fuck... we are fucking screwed." Tears running down my face. 
"Isabella, I got a first aid kit," he says, "if you can stitch me up ill, be fine love."  

Then I thought of my ice powers. I can act like stitches. I climbed on Adrian's lap and unbuttoned his shirt. I put my hand in front of the wound and the bullet came out of his stomach. 

"Isabella," he says, putting his hand on my waist, "you look so hot, love." I freeze the wound. I actually freeze the wound. Adrian licks his lips as he opens the door, he picks me up as he walks towards the door. 
"Aidan put me down," I say, before you break the ice trust me you don't want to break the ice." he puts me down I went back to the car door to close it.  I open the door and Adrian walks through and follows him. "Darling are you hurting anywhere?" 
"Other than the place where I got shot," he says "thinking about it nope you don't need to worry."  I ran right up to him. 
"you either put your arm around me and stop acting like you can't feel pain and let me help you," I say, "or people will find out Isabella Rossi is more different than people thought." Adrian picked the first option he put his arm around me.  
"You are unpredictable," he says, I open the door and Adrian takes his arm off of me as he takes off his clothes in the door as I grab my pajamas from the armoire and change into something more comfortable. "Love, come here." That's what I did. I lied down right next to him. I put my head on his chest and he covered me up with the blanket. "Isabella I am fine stop worrying about me I've been through worse things than this stop acting like you know... well you I love you Isabella I'm not going anywhere." I nod as I fall asleep in his arms. 


Love does stand a chance. That is something that I don't believe love is something that doesn't stand in this world. Everyone thinks that love will never work if this world still stands.  
I look down the hallways of my memories this time there is no door. I am stuck here. I started hearing a voice that was unclear. I didn't know what it meant if I'm finally going to die after the bad shit I've been through. It's almost my time then I felt someone touching my shoulder. I turned around then I saw it was Adrian. 

"Adrian," I say, "what are you doing here, wait am I dead, it makes scenes because you're in my mind." 
"Isabella," he says, "I'm only here to give you a message, love, so stop freaking out about you thinking you are dead."  
"What's the message?" I asked, but he didn't answer me, "hey is there anyone there," he looked at me in shock "what is it? The message." 
"The darkest fortress," he says, as a black door appears in front of my eyes, "that's all that's good enough for you love." 
"Yes darling," I say, "thank you."  

He disappeared from me. I walk through the door; I see a table with weapons. And my mother's father Adolf Hitler I'm so happy that this son of the bitch who Destroyed this world is dead. I know that in some world he died earlier but, in this world, he died a lot later he had twins and the Inhumans were made because of him, too bad I can't kill him in here. He was wearing a General outfit and I am wearing my normal Clothes. 

"Hello Isabella," he says in Germany, kill me this guy was alive when I was born somehow. He's going to kill me Rest in Peace. "Isabella how long has it been." 
"Cut the crap Hitler," I say in English "please stop speaking like German Nazi I get why but the world has change over a decade ago." He walks closer to me. I grab a katana, "in second place I know it's a big no, no to touch people here." I pointed the katana at him. "How do I get out of here alive dumbass." 
"You don't speak to me like that stupid girl," he says still speaking Germany, "do you have any idea who I am?" He tried to slap me. I cut his hand off, he's not even feeling pain because he's already dead. 
"Sorry I meant jackass," I say, "this is A different timeline, touch me again you'll be lucky if you're still breathing. Let me tell you how this is all going to work you're going to tell me what to do to save my life like usual but this time disobey I will kill you with my bare hands." 
"Make sure no one touch you," he says, "just get to the lightest fortress ... but first come here." He tries to touch me. I slit his throat and he fell to the ground. 
"Screw you too Hitler," I say, I see a lot of his men looking at me. I hate this place. "Easy Peasy, I can do this, it can't be that hard to get to the lightest forest." 

I grab the matching katana I was holding in my hand. I ran towards them as I slaughtered all of them. I managed not to get blood on me. I was almost at a lightless fortress. That's when I saw my mother, I went up to her. She looked as beautiful as she died gosh, I miss her. I wish that she never died like she did. That was the worst thing that ever happened to me.

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