You Should Of Bury Me Alive

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Chapter Sixteen

"Why are you here," I say, throwing a knife in the air and catching it. "Damon I'm pretty sure I made it clear if you Attempt to kill me or anyone, I would kill you."
"Hi, cousin," Elijah says, with an evil look in his eye, I point my knife at Elijah.
"And you, you should have killed me the first time," I say, walking closer, "but you failed, now you want this place to be your resting place."
"I killed you once," I couldn't believe he was the man who killed me. I need to be calm. If I don't, I might die. I can't die so I might get locked up in an asylum made for troubled youth, well for Inhumans. "You have powers."
"Are you sure? I think you got the wrong person?" I say, the next thing I knew Damon grabbed my knife out of me and stabbed me. "You're going to wish you did kill me."

Everything went black another memory is coming back every time I die, I get more of my memories back. This shouldn't be the way to get my memories back dying this is just more darkness I don't know how much more I can take until I feel like it kills me. Elijah is going to wish I'm dead but I'm not dead not now not yet.


I am at Amanda's funeral. I'm fourteen years old. Before Amanda died, she found out all about my family including the Scotts she knows what they are all about. I am wearing a black dress. gosh I hate dresses. Dresses are more of Isabelle's thing. Tears are running down my face, I still couldn't believe Elijah killed Amanda in front of me first it was my mother being killed in front of me now my girlfriend. I am standing by a crave hole as Elijah walks up to me wearing a black suit. If he thinks I'm going to let this go he is so wrong there is going to be a war first before I let this go.

"Are you going to be mad at me forever?" Elijah asked, "family is blood."
"Family isn't blood," I say, "you may be my cousin you are also my enemy of the enemy... if I were you, I would choose your words very carefully."
"Such a shame you couldn't just date boys," Elijah says, "you have to go through this trauma."
"YOU SHOULD'VE BURIED ME ALIVE." I yelled. I went in the car, I started walking. I push Elijah into the hole

So many things are in my mind I don't get why he is still alive or in jail he should be rotting in a cell but I guess I don't get what I want. Aidan started driving to my uncle Nate's house where no evil parents, cousins live or aunts.

"Was that necessary?" Aidan asked, "did you really need to push..."
"Yes I did," I answered, "I can't kill him no one can kill him I can't even tell Amanda's parents or my dad what he did because I promise uncle, Nicklaus I won't let anything happen to him, I want him to suffer I want Elijah to suffer to go to jail or die or something but I can't I have to suffer so pushing him in a grave is the best I can do for me to move On can you respect that."
"Isabella," Aidan says, I look towards him.
"I just want to go home." I say, "where everything is simple." Aidan finally reached my uncle Nate's house.
"Things are going to get better. I know it doesn't seem like it right now but it will take time."
"Are you trying to be a Priest for funerals," I say, as I laugh, and Aidan gets out of the car.
"No," Aidan says, "I just want to see if you're okay."
"Yes, I'm okay," I. Say "Now, come on before he gets here." Aidan and I went inside my uncle's house and waited for my father to get here in Australia.


I woke up and I couldn't move. I was buried six feet under. I guess Elijah actually had the guts to bury me alive. I couldn't breathe. I started to panic. I started to see light. I saw my father climb out of the hole I reached for his arms, he pulled me out of the hole I hugged him.

"Where's Aidan?" I asked, tears pouring down my face. "Where is he?"
"I thought you would know where he would be," Matthew says, turning around to face Matthew. He's wearing his classic red suit, "he didn't go to the base today I called him he didn't answer do you know what happened to him?"
"Where's my knife?" I asked, as I saw Elijah, to walk to his car. "Actually, I'll get your, Brother back."
"No, I'm not going to listen," I say "I can't lose him too... I lost so much, I just can't."

I grab a mini stick I press a button that turns it into a knife Elijah got in the car he started to drive away I started running after the car I finally threw the knife at his car I stopped moving watch him drive away I screamed and fell to the ground. How do you keep going when you have lost everything? Well you just have to keep going I need to keep going no matter what I need to keep breathing.

"Ella," my father says, I stand up to look at the two boys. "You are not going on some rescue mission."
"No, I'm not going to sit down and watch Damon and Chloe hurt another person I care about," I say, pulling my knife out of my stomach. "I cannot lose him not yet not ever... we've been through so much together I can't just let him go. I need him... I am Remembering things I don't want to remember but I hate it that I'm getting these painful memories back."

Blood is all over my hand dripping off my hand. I need to save him from this maniac. I don't know what to do. I need him, I just need him. I can't think straight.

"Ella," he says I don't know what's going to happen. He usually tells me what's going to happen. I Usually don't like what happens when he tells me to stay.
"Go..." he says, "Before I change my mind you need to save him..."
"Thank you, dad," I say as I disappear into the fin air.


Aidan and I are one the couch he wraps his arm around me trying to keep me calm I just don't know how to stay calm letting him live after what he did to Amanda. I can't tell anyone it is killing me inside he should pay for what he did. but I have to be a good girl. Sometimes I just don't want to be that it's too hard to be the forgiving type. I can't forgive. I don't think I will ever forgive him. Elijah Scott should be lucky that he is still breathing. I hear the door slam open. Everyone looks at the door he's covered in dirt oh great maybe I should bury him. Aidan looks at me like if I try it, he will lock me in a room.

"Okay, calm down," I say, as I grab Aidan's hand. "It's not like I'm going to bury him alive I wish I could but his dad is making sure he doesn't end up in jail... so you can calm down."
"YOU BITCH," Elijah yelled, he walked closer to me. Everybody was looking at me like I did something wrong... well I did do something I couldn't do. "You push me in a hole."

I finally stood up. Elijah was pissed off he had dirt all over his clothes, he just started a war with me. This war is going to be a long one. I will never end this unless he kills me. I doubt he got the guts to even kill me unless his mother tells him what to do it. That will never happen.

"Yes, I did push you in Amanda's grave..." I say walking closer to him, "next time I'll bury you... don't think I'm going to let any of this go I'm not... you started war with me you will be lucky if you're still breathing at the end of it."
"You're bluffing..." Elijah says, "you wouldn't do anything like that you're not capable of murder."
"You have no idea what I'm capable of you better keep your eyes in ears open because I can get you when you least expect it," I say Elijah starts backing away from me to the door, "your father says you're off-limits you to want to play God no one is God so don't be surprise when the war starts and you lose." Elijah opens the door and backs away from me and Aidan.
"You won't do such a thing you're a girl you're not allowed to hold weapons or do violent things."
"Elijah this is the 21st-century we are not playing by rules that girls can't do certain things so watch your back," I say, "I swear on my life... Elijah I will end you."

Elijah left the mansion back to his home to tell his mother Chloe Scott he won't know what will hit him next but it won't be good for his family.

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