Bad Mistake

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Chapter fifty-five


I'm lying in my old bed in my old house. Everyone is worried about me again. I can't stay dead, just want my family to understand that I'm fine. Other than Aidan, he is going to sacrifice himself to save the world. He didn't even ask if I wanted him to do this, not telling me things I need to know about things that is going to happen. I made a horrible mistake in that fake world I was in made me realize what I'm fighting. I'm not just fighting for my life, I'm for Aidan for the world. I never realized what fighting really was until a couple weeks ago. I am coming to your realization that I'm going to lose everything that I ever love. I've been having this same vision. I watch my love sacrifice his life to save everyone's among the universes, what I can tell it's because of one Bitch who thinks her daddy did the right thing but the truth is he did nothing but cause more pain. I don't want to witness my true love death. I want to save everyone even if it's not possible. I have to do whatever is possible to save him.    
Zoe, going to hit hard Izzy, thinks she killed her but. She Is still Breathing I have no idea how she is alive and my father is forcing another job on Aidan that he doesn't want to take. But we don't get what we want sometimes. I would've killed myself because I know Zoë would like Nothing more than to see me dead apparently to Layla. The future isn't permanent because the future is always changing so who knows maybe it probably won't even happen. My phone started ringing. I answered my phone as I put it up to my ear.  

  "You wanted information about Zoë fetcher," I am shocked she actually called me about her appearance. "You wanted to find some reason here. I don't care why you want her dead. I know a guy who has information that you need."  I got out of my bed and grabbed a pen and a notebook.  
"Where do you think I would find this person?" I asked, "Girl, you know my reputation. I don't like people staying alive if they try to kill me or put me in harm's way or anyone that I care about."   
"You will find him in Germany Berlin at a bar called minis," I wrote down where she said he might be, "you will be safe boys aren't not allowed to touch women in this plus it's an inhuman bar... Ms. Rossi wear something hot."  
"Thank you," I say in Spanish, I hang up the phone, as I throw it on my bed. 

the one place on the planet I don't want to go is fucking Germany I rather die than say "Hail Hitler" that's all those German people believe that Hitler did right... but the truth is that he's coward. He started something that he couldn't handle and he died for his selfish mistake. Zoe Is someone who thinks she can fix it. I don't Believe that she can do anything about it. I believe she's nothing but a walking disaster. It's my job to save the people that Zoe will put in danger. I got dressed in a blue short spring dress with a black trench coat over the dress and black high heels my mother walks in my room. 

  "Don't tell me you're just wearing that Ella?" She asked, as I put down the notebook. She looks at it and shakes her head disagreeing where I am going. But it's not her decision what I do or where I got anymore she missed that part of me growing up. "You can't be serious about going to Berlin? Do you know what that place is like?" 
"Why does it matter? You left me when I was eleven mom, I thought you died, but here you are breathing not dead." I say in German I look at her in her eyes, "but turns out you were living a big lie and... the worst part about all of it you hide everything from me so to be honest mom I rather not get shot by mother again." 
"What I did to you wouldn't understand, but I see your point of view I get why you're mad." she says, in English I can't believe her. The only person she is looking out for is herself. "Isabella, if you want to know why I killed you I can tell you if you want." 
"Pfft," I say, still speaking in German. I Know my mother even if she does tell me she won't spill it, "sure you will.... what am I saying of course you won't because Chloe Fletcher doesn't show any emotion... she is the baldest bitch of all... wait I'm wrong that's Zoë? Mom I've got better things to do then dwell on the past... so toddles."
"Isabella maybe one day we can fix that little crack in that relationship," she says, "I would love..."

  I disappeared to the weapon room before my mother could say another word. I grabbed my blue butterfly knife; I know this is going to go uphill really fast but I need to find her and kill her. I know there isn't much time left for Aidan. I disappeared to my car but the next thing I knew I was on Aidan's lap. I hate it. He is always one step ahead of me. Oh, crap he's going to be coming with me and I don't have much of a choice does he always have to be an ass?

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