The Darkest Light

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Chapter Three

I am sitting on my bed. I am never allowed to leave this room. My twin sister is allowed to go to school and have friends to have three meals a day to get the love that she wants and have birthday parties. I get to hide in the closet every day. I'm just lucky enough to eat once a day. I open the window then the door opens. I spin around looking at Aidan with light blonde hair just like mine. He must have been the neighbour, Addison's no one is supposed to see me. My mom is going to hurt me again. I can't, I can't get to know him. He has blue eyes I have green eyes wearing a suit with shorts, I am wearing rage clothing. 

"I didn't know Isabelle had a twin sister," he says, I don't say anything. I'm almost about to cry. I look out the window. I see Hunter Rossi. My father, I want to scream so he can hear his little girl scream. I climb through the window. "I'm not going to hurt you," I'm glad someone in this world is not going to hurt me. 
"I know you're not going to hurt me," I grab a pebble. I throw it at the hunter. It hits the hunter's back and the hunter turns around and looks at me. 
"Are you nuts, do you know who that is?" he looked at me. He wasn't mad at me. I heard someone open the door. It wasn't my sister; it was my mom. 
"DADDY," I yelled running closer to him on the roof. My mom is chasing me, my dad holds his arms open, I jump in his arms and I put my head in his black suit. 
"Princess, don't do that again," I begin to cry. He rubs my back to calm me down. He puts me in his jeep and I put the seatbelt. look at my mom I think she is the Satan recreated to look like a girl. "Isabella, don't do anything more crazy." I nod as my dad walks towards the house with a piece of paper looking at the house I see the boy walking towards the jeep.  I roll down the window on my When I look at him, I don't say a word.
"So he's your dad," blue eyes says,  "I'm going to be seeing you lots." I don't know what he means by he's going to be seeing me lots. 
"What do you mean," I asked, I don't know what my dad does for a job. I don't understand this world. I just want to understand it but I just don't yet. "Why will I be seeing you lots?" another question I asked. I just want to know why I will see him a lot. 
"You will find out about Rossi." he says, he's being so charming right now; he's making me mad too. I say as I wipe away the tears on my face there's something about him that I don't understand yet.  "I bet you are important like pretty important." I started to smile.  @golden boy says I smiled, almost laughing until I saw my sister running to me. I'm going to have to leave her, I'm going to be leaving her, I'm going to be leaving Isabelle. 

Isabelle pushed the golden boy out of her way. I feel sad. My sister is wearing a purple dress and dark blue flats. "No Isabella you can't leave now not ever," Isabelle says tears run down my face, "you can't leave I need you ... Isabella, you can't leave me."  
"I can't Izzy I can't deal with it anymore... I can't let that monster hurt me anymore starve me every day. I need to know what it's like to be alive." I grab Isabelle's hand. This is the hardest thing to do to say goodbye to my dear sister and my twin. How can I say goodbye to the one person who knows what happened to me for six years? "I'll be fine Izzy I promise and you will be fine." 
"Okay, okay," she says, I hear dad and mom fighting again. They are always at each other's throats. I guess mom always makes dad mad. I always hear them fight. I see my father  storm out of my house. "You promise me you will never forget me." 
"I promise I will never forget you, Isabelle," I say letting go of Isabelle's hand. I am looking at the golden boy who winks at me like he's about to do something. My dad gets in the I wink at golden boy and my father drives away. 


My father and I are on the plane I'm looking at the clouds my dad is driving the plane I remember my mother told me that I was a disappointment that I was a mistake for this world my stomach hurts I didn't anything eat anything today I see snow falling out of the sky I never have seen snow before it's so beautiful the plane landed I see my father walked out of the cockpit he is caring a blanket I unbuckle my seatbelt. 

"Where are we?" I asked, looking at my father now I know we're not in Australia because it hardly snows there. "Are we at the North pole where Santa Claus lives?" 
"No princess, we are not... we are in Siberia," he answered. I got out of my seat. I head towards the door and I hear my father call out my name. "Princess Siberia is colder than Australia," he picks up the blanket off the seat he covers me up with as he picks me up and gets in the car and goes to his house.

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