Stupid Idea Stupid Plan

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Chapter Fifty-Nine


What the hell was she thinking locking me up here? I have nothing with me. Not even my phone. I started walking down the very long hallway. Ella has a secret passage in her room. She is very smart when she wants to be. When I see a light switch, I turn it on and the lights are flickering. Nothing more creepy walking down a long hallway that has flickering lights.  Ella has a thing with horror movies, especially her favorite one Hush, because it is very quiet in some parts. Ella has some explaining to do why I am locked up in here. I really want to know what the hell she was thinking I don't know if she was even thinking at all. it seemed like it was a fucking stupid idea what she did handing herself to Zoe with no argument no blood. I know the anger she has for her; I know the pain Zoe gave her, and The Dark commander never gives up the fight but it seems like she has given up the fight. What is her plan? She always has a plan inside a plan? 
The lights flicker off great this how people die in a horror movie the lights flicker off then the killer kills the victims in this case me no powers mean I'm very killable this isn't how I plan my night and I have no. Idea why me and Ella are holding off the wedding until further notice... maybe because she knows we are all going to die and she wants to do something about it like always. Why do I have to fall in love with her? It doesn't matter how mad I get; we are always drawn together and I'm this prophet Golden Boy who has to die to save everyone but I'm starting to have second thoughts about it.   
I approach a room and the door is open, as I step in the room there are weapons hanging on the wall like katana's and pistols. There is a table in the middle of the room where papers are spread all over the table.  I picked up the papers it's research about the Immortality stone and all the powers one of powers crossed out is pure light and the pure dark isn't crossed out. There's an ancient photo of the dark commander and a drawing of a curse before it all gets destroyed. How is all of this connected? How is Isabella connected to this? What the hell is Isabella up to? There was a bored with photos all over the murder bored I see Zoe face on the bored it has an x on her head with red in and my face circle this so much research that I don't even understand any of it. I saw a speaker that started glowing like a rainbow I see picture of me in the middle of the murder bored. How am I connected to all of this? 

"Password to unlock Isabella Penelope Rossi Virtual hologram," the speaker says, "please say the password." I look at the speaker in the corner of the ceiling.
"Incorrect, please try again,"  
"Incorrect, please try again,"  
"Incorrect please try again,"  
"Jesus Isabella," I say, "676767."  
"Incorrect," it says, "would you like a hint,"  
"Yes," I say, in frustration, "I would like a hint so I talk to my fiancé."  
"Hint is a person that she is very fond of,"   
"Isabelle Rossi,"  
"Melody Rossi,"  
"Hunter Rossi,"  
"Logan Ash,"  
"Chloe Fletcher,"  
"Aidan Addison,'' I'm starting to hate this hologram thing. It's getting on my last nerve.  

Isabella, Isabella, Isabella, what am I going to do with you? this is getting really old then I realize that I made a comment not long ago after she'd called me Adrian Addison, I told her it makes me sound old when she calls me that. I shake my head realizing that girl dies when she plans to die. She does everything on purpose. I can't believe that she lied to me after everything that we've been through I can't believe that she lied and put herself in harms way to get close to Zoe this is the most stupid thing she had done.

"Adrian Addison," 
"Correct," the speaker says, "hologram of Isabella Rossi 5,4,3,2,1," 

A hologram appears. It looks exactly like Isabella. I'm so pissed at her for doing this. I grab a chair as I sit down. I don't know what I'm going to say to hologram. It's not everyday that you talk to a hologram. I need to save her again, even if she doesn't want me to. I'm going to get her out of this mess like I always do save the girl, The Dark Commander. She ain't invincible no one everyone would like to think that they are.  

"Let me explain to Adrian," I shake my head, "please Aidan it would be worth it. I promise I would never lie to you." 
"Aidan, I'm just trying to save you so I made a deal with her so no more death," she says, "I'm am sick of the amount of people I have lost, that I have killed I know this is the world that we lived it's in our D.N.A. and we can't do anything about it... I took the deal because I can't lose anyone else... I can't afford to lose anyone else," she actually appeared in front of me, "I can't lose you to Adrian... shut off hologram." 
"Yes Ms. Rossi," the hologram of Isabella disappeared. I see she was about to cry. 
"I didn't know Isabella..." 
"I hate when you call me Isabella," she says, as I stand up as he walks towards her, "why can you just call me Ella everyone calls me Ella." Tears run down her face. I lift her up into my arms, I look into her hazel green eyes. 
"Because it annoys you and you hate being annoyed," I say, as she smiles, "I think you wouldn't have it any other way... would you?" 
"No, I wouldn't," she cups my face with her hands and leans into me to kiss me. 

I pinned her into a wall we break the kiss I started kissing down her neck I put her down to her feet she takes off my jacket as she starts Unbutton my shirt, she pulls off my shirt I pull my lips away from her neck I pull off her shirt. What the hell am I doing? I need to stop this. I'm supposed to be mad at her but for some reason I can't. she starts kissing me again her idea was stupid and her plan was reckless and more stupid then of her idea. Zoë, I know for Ella this is not that simple for this just the beginning of big, big, war and she won't go. I pick her up again and she disappears with her shirt on.

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