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Chapter Forty-Four

Aidan and I are walking into Logan's mansion. I feel sorry for his first ball that he planned without his father here but he has Isabelle and all his friends here to support him. I am wearing a light blue dress, dark blue masquerade mask, silver high heels and my hair is in a bun. I'm not that kind of person who dresses up for a party. I'm only doing this for two reasons: one Logan needs to move on from what happened, why am I thinking that the people that I love I never got closure for the people that I lost, I hope logan can just leave the past in the past I know I won't be able to I just hope violence isn't who I am, Aidan is one reasons if I didn't go to the ball, he's going to punish me I just laugh at him then he reminded me that I was mortal, sometimes I wonder, why are we still dating? He makes me mad. I get him so mad as well. I just don't understand it but I know that we need each even if we get so pissed at each other.
Aidan is wearing a black suit like usual but he's wearing black masquerade mask he puts his hand around my waist I see Michael then he disappeared in front of my eyes I guess my mind is play tricks on me he's probably not even here and Aidan locked him up in my father's base I just need to take a deep breath and calm down then I see Elijah I don't If I should slap him or not. But if my memory serves correctly Elijah
works for Aidan. He is wearing a black suit like Aidan but no mask. I noticed there was blood on his suit. I think it was his blood.

"What happened Elijah?" Aidan asked, in his voice he seemed worried that something bad is going to happen, he doesn't say anything. "Elijah start talking."
"Not here... if I tell what's going on right here people are going to start to worry," Elijah says, "when people start to worry, they panic and they will run they think if they run, they will be okay Isabella... I mean Ella you should know better than anyone?" I gaze at Aidan and look back at Elijah.
"Okay, we can go somewhere to talk," I say, grabbing on to his shirt, "make it quick and don't leave anything out you got it." Elijah nods, "good follow us and don't talk to anyone or you will be wasting my time."

The three of us went up stairs in a room where no one there sat down on the chair. Aidan came behind me as he put his hands on each of my shoulders. I put one of my hands over Aidan's hand. I looked at Elijah waiting for him to say something but he said nothing.

"Are you going to say something or are you wasting my time?" I asked, trying to be nice, "Elijah is this even important?" He closes the door as he walks closer to Aidan, he runs his hand through his hair.
"It's bad Ella, it's really bad," he says, looking stressed out but I'm confused about what he is talking about. "Ella Michael escape your dad's base." I stand up and pinning him against the wall.
"Tell me he's alive," I say, "tell me my father is alive Elijah." Aidan grabs me by the waist trying to get me off of Elijah.
"Ella let go of him," I don't listen to me, "Isabella let go of Elijah. He works for me. Remember he does what I say. Now let go of him Isabella." I let go of Elijah and sit back down. "Well, is he alive? nor is Ella going to lose her mind."
"Yes, he's alive, no one needs to lose their heads," he says, trying to be serious, I just look at Aidan to see what he is thinking but I couldn't hear anything. "Michael is here... Aidan what do you want me to do?"
"Go tell Logan and find out what hell he's up to,"

I am shocked that the Aidan that I know wouldn't order someone around a lot to change it. One year I'm afraid that he isn't the same person that I fell in love with. If he tries to kill anyone... kill him. I will kill him in cold blood.
Elijah leaves the room to tell Logan that Michael is here. I walked over to the piano. I pressed the keys to make the A-major chord then I tried E- minor. Aidan walks towards me as he sits down next to me as he puts his hand over mine. I know that Michael did destroy me in so many ways that I didn't know that I could be this broken but here I am broken into millions of pieces. Aidan shot his gaze at me.

"What do you want me to say? That I'm okay because the truth is that I'm broken." I say, as I stopped playing the piano I looked right into Aidan's eyes, "Aidan we both change, maybe we should..."
"No, we're not we came so far just for us to walk away," he says, as he lets go of my hand, "yes Isabella I do hide things from you sometimes it's to protect you other times it's a surprise." he stands up and started walking away from me I try to follow him but the next thing I knew that I stepped on a bomb.

Hail Chloe.

Earth's curseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon