My Life My Responsibility

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Chapter Sixty-Four


I and Aidan are lying in my bed. He's trying to convince me not to let Zoe do what she always does destroy everything that is good in my life. But what choice do I have? Let her get away everything done to let her destroy the world I know I'm not that stupid to let that happen. there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. I know Isabelle knows I have to make the hard call like I always have to make the hard call to save the people that I care about to save Aidan. He doesn't understand that. I know what I need to do. I have no idea why I need to know what I'm fighting for. The end of the world should start well. It's not like anyone would tell me anyways. I know I need to get mine and Aidan's minds disconnected to each other before Zoe decides to ruin the party like usual. I got out of my bed and grabbed a light orange stone. This time this better work I went back to Aidan. 

"Are you mad at me?"  
"No... I bet any type of girl would fall for men like that." I say, looking at the stone, "I just don't want to lose you yet."  
"You don't have a choice, I have..."  
"I know, I know... let's just get this done and over with already," I say, "are you ready?"  
"Yes, just do it already, ––" he ordered, as I dropped the stone as I saw a gold rope. I'm pretty sure that rope needs to be cut, "tell me we can't do this again?"  
"No, I don't think so," I say, grabbing my knife and cutting the rope. The rope and knife disappeared, "but it could happen again but it's like a 30, 40 that's going to happen." 
"Are you sure?" 
"No, not really, —" I say, he turns his head and I grab his hand. "Aidan, I don't get visions about myself other people if mi in that vision then ill see them. I would tell you when something like that happens." 
"Then you should start getting visions like that." 
"Aidan that's not how things work." I say, jumping back in my bed, "Now come on I want to spend some time with you before shit becomes... well... shit." Aidan lies down right next to me. 
"Fine, but I'm not letting anyone kill you," I put my head on his chest, "you got it?" 
"Who said you're allowed to save me?" I asked, "I'm pretty sure I didn't say that you're allowed to save me." Aidan gives me a serious look, "Fine, you can save me when I want to be saved." I close my eyes as I fall asleep. 


I woke up Logan somehow in Isabella's crisis. We've been in his house reconnecting. Not the kind that we talk the other kind of communication. My head is on his chest. He kissed me on my neck. I tried not to moan but it didn't work that well it got me in all the right places. I rolled my head back on the bed he hovered over top of me kissing down my neck. Kissing turns into biting my phone buzz. I tried to grab my but I felt so weak to do so.  
Why can't I feel like this every day? This seems like the best way to live. I need to grab my phone. This better be important if not I might lose my mind because whoever is bugging me better got a good reason to be bugging me on my day off.

"Logan let me see who it is... it might be important..." I say, him pulling away from me, "if it's not important we can continue where we left off... promise." 
"Fine it better be important," 

I grab my phone and Isabella's connection is back. No one knows what happened that day when I took the stone out of Zoe. I guess I need to start talking. I put a tracker in her the same tracker that she put in Elijah Ella has the control to blow Zoe up in flames I look at my phone the tracker is disabled she's coming for Ella oh shit. 

"Isabella is in trouble." 
"Is that a classic Tuesday for Ella," Logan says, he isn't wrong, "Isabelle she could be fine."  
"Yeah, I would believe that if all Inhumans weren't going into a coma," he looks at me shocked, "yes they are all going into a coma that means all of their powers might be going bye, bye, I need to help her." 
"Answer me this? How will you get there before Zoë?" He asked, That's interesting question. "Isabelle honestly answered without trying to make a plan." 
"I'm not human again... I'm Inhumans I think she broke the stupid stone again she might have to lose the one thing that she loves in her life at least I can try to change things now,"
I say, "Logan, please let me try to change something. Let me try to help my twin, my best friend, maybe we can change the future somehow. For the best for all worlds." 

He gets off me. I don't know what he is thinking but I don't know if I should be scared or not. I'm never scared of him but I know I need to save my sister no matter what is going to happen. I need to do what is necessary to do what is right.  

"Go..." he says, "before I change my mind."  

I kiss Logan on his head. I put my clothes on. I disappeared to dad's house. He was busy doing something important like usual that was normal for him. I have no idea why they are staying here when they have their own house that they could be at but they decided to sleep here. I walked into Ella's old room. There isn't a thing out of place. Ella and Aidan have their clothes on head to toe, they are asleep in the bed. I started seeing red, I totally forgot we got different powers when we are connected. I noticed there was a pillow on the floor. I grab it and throw the pillow at Ella's face. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Isabella yelled; she seemed a little mad. "DON'T YOU SEE THAT WE ARE SLEEPING... YOU HAVE A PHONE USE IT... what do you want?" Aidan opens his eyes; he doesn't seem impressed; he wraps his arms around Ella's waist. 
"What is she doing here?" 
"Well Zoë is on her way here at least I think they are anyways," their eyes widen, "she somehow disabled the tracker bomb thing the only place she would come is..." 
"Here," she says, cutting me off, "thank you Isabelle, you can go and I can take care of this issue." 
"Are you," 
"Yes, I'm sure I can take care of it like I always do... go Isabelle," she ordered me to do, "I promise everything will be alright." I listen to her. I left dad's house and went back to Logan's house. 


Aidan isn't going to let me do this that easy I have to get out of this but I need to do this alone. I need to protect the people that I love no more letting them die. I need to save them all for once. No more of my selfish needs. It's time to save them all. I grab my katana's as I run out the door and from the door knob. Not knowing what I am thinking.

"Hey Ella we do this, together right?" he says, I didn't say a thing I am breaking inside what I am about to do. "You're not alone Ella, you were never alone." He's right, I'm not alone anymore but it doesn't mean that I will let anything bad happen to the people I care most about. 
"I'm still talking," he says, as I smile, I don't say a thing "you're not that little girl who used to hide in that closet from her aunt, because she was hiding The Dark Commander from the world." 
"Aidan, I love you but I need to do this for me for the people who aren't alive for the people who lost their lives to Zoe's madness... but I need to do this alone," I say, tears falling down my face, "I need to be one to stop her and... and you have to be the one that saves the world I know you don't like it but that's how it is.'' I looked off my necklace and slid it underneath the door as I started hearing the voices that drove me mad. I put my hand on the door. 
"I'm sorry..." I say, "I'm sorry Aidan but I need you to do this one thing for me promise me you will do it," 
"Anything for you love," he says, "name it I'll get it done." 
"In a week from now I need you to find me before I try to kill Michael," I say, "easy right... love you darling." 

I walked towards the stairs. I had enough with everyone's shit it's time for me to talk and then to put up my shit I wipe my tears away. I don't cry. I am strong. I don't flinch. I'm a bad ass bitch no one wants to mess with me anymore. I see Michael in a soldier uniform. He is surrounded by other soldiers who are on the same side of him; they are all pointing their weapon at me. 

"Isabella Penelope Rossi, will you come easy for once in your life?" he asked, he thinks that I'm going to come easy. As if I would rather die first before that happens, "or will you choose the hard way?" 
"I'm the last of my kind... I got pure light blood and the last of the human race who still wants to fight back... I will never stop fighting," I say, "if Zoë wants me you idiots are going to have to kill me." I feel something hit me. It made everything go in a blur. 
"Your fight is over now." everything went black I'm going to kill him.

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