Don't Let Me Die

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Chapter Thirty

Adrian is pointing a gun at me because of that bitch she controls Adrian to... wait a minute I think I skip a few details let me go back where things got steamy not hot boy kind of steamy actual fire okay this is like 20 minutes before that bullshit started happened. I can feel the pain that Adrian was feeling. It was unbearable but I kept on moving. I walked in front of the base. Chloe soldiers are pointing their toys at me. I am holding the detonator in my hands. They didn't know it was about to hit them, it was going to hit them hard.    

"Stop pointing your weapons at me and give me Adrian Addison," I ordered, they don't "you should give him to me before... you're smart enough to figure that one out."  
"What are you going to do?" the soldier asked, "you don't scare us, you're just one girl." he's funny even if he's being sexiest.  
"You're right I'm just one teenage girl who has eleven inhuman powers," I say, starting to fake cry "I have to come back to this island to save my dad... now you took my boyfriend." I stop fake crying, "I kick all your asses before I'm not afraid to do again you think that you caught me red handed but the truth I made sure you caught me everything I do is on purpose... you idiots got Adrian and I'm holding a freaking detonator, you are also unaware that there's bombs underneath your base so I'm going to ask you one more time. Give me back Adrian Addison... go head call Chloe fletcher don't leave anything out darling..." One of the soldiers gave me their radio. I put it close to my mouth.
"Hello Chloe, I bet you missed me, I missed you, auntie... I miss Aidan too. Also, I'm back you, psycho nutcase," I say, "listen you maniac I will blow up that fine building you are standing in right now." 
"You wouldn't even try it you're not that gullible," Chloe says, "you will kill your boyfriend including yourself you're not that stupid Isabella." 
"Your right I'm very, very smart I have 8 PhD's and before you took my life away, I was studying archeology," I say, "I am very smart thank you for noticing Adrian won't get harm you on the other hand will be very smoky let me in before I press this little gift that was left from my boyfriend blows up everything I work on." 

I hear Aidan laughing, "you heard that right she's going to kill you," Aidan says, "you think you're the big bad wolf just because you killed my father my mother nope Isabella has a name for her already before she came here that already."   
I pulled out my phone and went on the news website headline saying The Dark Commander, "holy crap," I say "Adrian don't say it please." 
"What do people call her?" Chloe asked, I can feel Adrian trying to resist. I can see red the soldiers set on fire and died. "I can control you Aidan so tell me who she is." I can't put him through this pain anymore.  
"Aidan tell her everything from the very start or I will do it," he doesn't answer me, "darling I'm not risking your life." She opens the doors Chloe opens the doors. 
"Tell me Isabella from the very beginning," she says, "don't leave any details out and I'll take that.'' I move my hand away so she wouldn't take the detonator. 
"You think I'm letting you have more power than me," I say, "Over my dead body in case you forgot I'm an immortal." 

Chloe and I walk in the base where Adrian is. I don't like this at all. If my mother was in my place, she would let my father die. We are so different. I think she hates me for this. I know I hate myself for what I'm doing right now. Adrian and Isabelle are probably mocking me because they know this is a mistake for me to be doing this less, she knows it is for the better. Aidan is looking at me with a dirty look. I deserve it because I'm too weak without I'm too much of a girl all the hell I've been through. It's time to set things straight. 

"Okay, you think I'm The Dark Commander, let me reassure you that I'm not her," I say, "the legend says when people first meet her, or him she, he kills 10,000,000, people haven't killed that many people yet not even close to that amount... So, give me back Adrian or I will kill that amount, it's your choice." 
"Okay, Aidan," she says, Chloe had a devious smile. This is where things got a little complicated. "Kill her," Adrian looks back at her, "I don't care if your girlfriend kills her or I will kill both of you."  

She leaves us to die if the devil thinks I'm going to give up on him. I will never do that. It's always been me and him against the world. I will risk every single thing for him until the bitter end. I know there is only one way to end this. I don't like the way I'm ending this. 
Adrian pointed his gun at me. Chloe was watching me from the way she was going to be surprised what was going to happen. I walk closer to him. Electricity started coming out of his hand. He was going to hurt me. 

"Isabella don't, "Adrian says, "I can't control it." 
"If you're going to shoot me, shoot me," I say, "unless it's not what you want." 
"I don't want to shoot you, I don't even want to kill you," he says, "you're the best thing that ever happened to me Isabella." My chest is finally against his gun. I am not scared at all. I'm surprisingly brave. 
"What do you truly desire, Adrian?" I asked, as my eyes turned orange, "please Adrian tell me." 
"You already know what I want Isabella" he was right I already know what he wants me. "Ella, I know your memories aren't all back." 
"Actually, you're wrong my memories are back." 
"Why aren't you mad at me," he says, seriously "before all this bullshit happened you were pissed at me and I thought..."  

I kissed him as we disappeared from this hellhole to Adrian's apartment. my eyes are no longer orange. They were my normal color. He pinned me against the wall as he broke the kiss. I pulled off his shirt then I took off all my gear including my quiver and my holsters off. Adrian picked me and put me on his bed then he took off my underwear and at the same time. From the bikini line up, he starts kissing me and I hold back a moan. He reached my lips he had his hands underneath my back suddenly my bra was gone too he broke off the kiss. 

"Isabella, are you sure about this?" he asked, everything started to go in a complete blur, "Isabella are you okay?" 
"I... I'm fine," I hesitated. I know I'm not. I'm not okay. I am dying. I'm freaking terrified that I won't be able to make this place a better place. I can't lie to him this is useless even trying it's not as easy as before I didn't know who I was. "Okay, um I am not okay I hate that you know what I'm thinking about all the time I know what you are thinking I'm being over dramatic and you're but this been really heard on me first time in my I'm scared that I'm going to die and I don't like that our story is going to end and Chloe thinks I'm this dark commander who's going to stop her from destroy the world I don't know what I'm even fighting for." 
"Isabella, I knew from the day we met I knew you were made for greatness," he says, "you may not know what you're fighting for but I do know what you're fighting for one day you'll find out... now go take a shower." I kiss him on his head as I escape to the shower.

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