Dead Must Stay Dead

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Chapter fifty-one

I remember this day too well. I died for the first time and I went to Afterlife, my mother was being her or Chloe was being her, I was about to eat the food but she yelled at me. this isn't real this isn't happening again. Chloe remembers what she said was not real. This can't be real. I know this isn't happening, this already happened. Ella wake up. I close my eyes and open them again I see Chloe no I see my mother I don't know who it is anymore. I was sitting in a chair and I'm tied up. I don't understand what is happening anymore, why is my mother the villain of all of this? 
This isn't Chloe's doing none of this was it was always was her it was always Zoë's and it's my fault for trusting her... Chloe knew her intentions were every time Chloe got close, I pushed away because I didn't want to get hurt, she raised me. it wasn't Zoë it was Chloe... she told me one day I will understand now.  

"Isabelle, I need help Zoë isn't who we think she is. She is the killer and she want's vengeance for what our father did to Hitler. I'm pretty sure she's going to do something drastic to get her revenge. I say, try to get out of the rope, All I'm asking is for help to let everyone know that I know you can find Isabelle... so find the truth so we can have a shot of saving this world for everyone."  
"I will just hang in there someone will find you, she says as her voice breaks, just please don't die cause if you die, I die, I love life very much."  

I look down to the ground so I won't look at her. She tries to get me to look at her but I won't. She slaps me across the face. It reminds me of what Chloe almost did. I was in the same place where I am now Chloe was going to slap. She swings her hand very close to my face but she doesn't hit me. She just looks at me and looks away. I wish I could touch my face, my red face that Zoë made red because of her slapping me. How could I've been so wrong my mother has been alive this whole time and I didn't even know it.

"Chloe may be a bitch... like a real bitch but she would never hit me... she would get her men to do the dirty work," I say looking up to Zoë finally, "you are fucking bitch more of a bitch then Chloe, you are worse than her... you dying was the best thing that ever happened to me Chloe did me a favor killing you... she should of kill you harder." 
"Sweetheart I didn't die your mother was one who died," my eyes, widened in surprise, "oh yes your mother did die she decided to be alive after you died the first time the one thing, I hate about twins they can pull off trying to be each other don't you think it's such an annoying thing to have the same face as someone."
"I will stop you no matter what happens," I say, "I'll make sure you won't win your plan won't work."
"You don't know..." she says, putting the IV in my arm. I started digging my nails into my hand. "Of course, you don't know." 
"Know what?" I asked, she didn't answer, "hey, you backstabbing son of a bitch people who care about me will come for me so tell me the missing details." 
"It doesn't matter anymore," she says, "don't make any mistakes little one I will win and you will lose."

She stabs the needle in my arm with everything. I thought it was a lie, it was a big fat lie. Everyone lied to me about who my mother is. She was always looking out for me. Isabelle saved me, someone saved me. I'm terrified. Everything goes dark. I hate sensitives, sensitives always make you tired and sleepy and I don't get tired that easy but drugs do the trick. Me being knocked out is starting to sound like the story of my life. 







Ella just finished telling Elijah the great story of how she found out that Chloe, no Zoe killed her. I know she is leaving some details out because of how much pain she went through and I understand honestly. Like the part of her destroying the mural, of the prophecy of her being the Dark commander and the stupid golden boy no one needs to know. She just wants to protect herself and the part of her that died when her mother told her she was part of a greater plan... reason of her panic attacks is because of Zoë it's a good thing she's dead and I hope she stays that way if not things are going to get more twisted than they already are.  
Ella is trying to hide all the feelings that she is feeling inside, but it's not working that well for her just because of one simple thing she sucks at: emotions and feeling something that she doesn't want to feel. I know she hates it because it's exactly who she is, punch first, feel something never. I hate her doing this to herself if Elijah theory is right Ella is going to feel some emotions that she doesn't want to feel. I walked over to the counter Elijah was standing behind the counter cleaning the shot glasses. 

"Who's your contact?" I asked, "it seems like whoever it is, wants to make Ella feel more pain." 
"It doesn't matter but what does matter is that you keep Isabella away from Zoë..." he continues, "I guess I will explain Zoë and Chloe's rivalry if you want me too?" 
"Tell me Elijah," I say, "I need to know what the hell I am dealing with... I need to protect Ella; it doesn't matter who lives are at stake... start speaking." 
"You know Chloe and Zoë were twins," I nod, "Zoe loved her father Chloe hated him for what he had done... When Isabelle was born Zoë took her little melody when she was born Ella, she didn't get taken away Chloe thought for her then Zoë took Isabella when she was three taken... and no one knows what they are facing only because they are immortals. Zoe Chloe... the evil twin my mother always craves more power," Elijah says, "this revenge that Zoë wants to achieve might kill Isabella and Isabelle, because of their twin powers." 

Brianna walks into my bar and she has orange eyes. I see that she has a holster on it and has a gun then a black van pulled up. I see Zoë walk through my bar. Fuck we are dead well I am dead. She Walks closer to me and Elijah I don't know what's worse that my ex is being control by a fucking psychopath or Ella's mother back alive wait I don't even know that she is even her mother anymore.  
Brianna is wearing a bright pink dress; Zoë is wearing black clothing from head to toe. I know that we are totally fucked. The dead must stay dead if not bad things happen, unnatural things will happen, and Zoe needs to die before it starts... I know she is the cause of my death. 

"Hello boys... Adrian you're going to be coming with me," Zoë says, as I see him pressed a red button underneath the bar counter, "if you don't both of you will die." I see Isabella walk through the door and she looks very pale skin scars all over her body. I gave her a smile  
"Give her hell Elle," I say in my mind Ella smiles as she winks. 
"What is so funny?" she asked I don't answer her stupid question, "nothing seems funny except that your own son is working for me." I say, she seemed shocked, "oh you don't know after I removed the bomb out of his neck, he wanted to work for me to protect three people... I'm guessing from the look on your face you already know who they are... I didn't hold any strings he wanted to work for me willingly... I wonder why that is?" 
"Afterlife," Ella says, I didn't understand what she meant by that wait. She talked about that place a lot; we are in Afterlife, even Elijah. I think he got caught in this mess or our imagination. It's definitely the second one.  

Ella kicks down the door and the door shatters into millions of pieces of glasses. I looked at Elijah and he disappeared. As Ella walks into my Afterlife bar all the windows shattered and melted into liquid. Ella seemed pissed at Zoë there is something that isn't right about her. I just can't pin it out. 
We are either dead or very close death either way in here we are fucking stuck it looks like because we are hallucinating or we will find a way to get the hell off this damn cloud because all I can tell we are fucking dead and Zoë fetcher is the cause of it. 






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